Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Craving Chocolate? Alternatives For The Chocolate Addict

Craving Chocolate?  Who isn't!  First of all this time of year, Easter conjures up nothing but chocolate.  chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!  Aargh!  O.k. get a grip.  Even though we crave it there are ways to control ourselves and enjoy the healthier side of this indulgence.  Yes, chocolate can be healthy. 

Dark chocolate - not white chocolate - lowers high blood pressure but mild high blood pressure.  Dark chocolate is a potent antioxidant according to Mauro Serafini, PhD, of Italy's National Institute for Food and Nutrition Research in Rome, and colleagues. However, don't wash it down with milk since this will negate the potential health benefits.  

Of course, lucky us, women crave chocolate the most.  Chocolate releases serotonin making us feel happier.  I can vouch for that! I crave it once a month, when I'm sad, depressed, bored.  It's definitely an emotional addiction. 

How do you curb this craving?  First I have to decide what my emotions are and if the reason for eating the chocolate is solely based on this fact.  To change my way of thinking I take out my list of things to do instead of eating this guilty pleasure.  The best thing to do if you need a chocolate fix is to find alternatives or eat it in moderation.  I rarely keep large quantities of the stuff in my house.  If it's there I'll eat it.  I go out and purchase a small candy bar on occasion or a great alternative is that most restaurants now serve up desserts in shot glasses.  This satisfies my desire and I get to enjoy an evening out with my husband.

If it's boredom, take a walk, call a friend, read a book.  Make sure you have healthy food nearby.  If you do cave in and indulge remember to increase your exercise routine for the week.

Make sure that the reason you're craving isn't because you haven't eaten enough throughout the day.  Make sure you're taking in the right calories and not starving yourself.

My goal is to always incorporate some chocolate foods into my plan so I don't feel deprived.  My favorite dessert of all time is one I bake, slice, and freeze so I have something ready at a moments notice.  It's a Fudge Brownie Recipe from Eating Well

Here are some other healthy ideas to get you started:

1. No Pudge Fudge Brownie Mix
2. Sugar Free Pudding both the Cook n' Serve and pre-made
3. VitaMuffins Deep Chocolate Muffin (100 Calories)
4. Sugar Free Dove Chocolate Creme Silky Smooth Dark Chocolates (3 for 114 calories)
5. Dark Chocolate Covered Strawberries (1.1oz is 30 calories)
6. Dark Chocolate Raisinets ( One 1.6 oz. package is 180 calories)
7. Chocolate Flavored Coffees
8. Dark Chocolate Hershey Kisses (4 pieces are 102 calories)
9. 86% Dark Chocolate - The most decadent of chocolates in my opinion, less sugar, high cocoa content, and although it's an acquired taste, one piece will keep you satisfied once you continue eating this kind of chocolate.
10. Here are more wonderful, Healthy Chocolate Recipes To Try.

For me, moderation is key. Finding healthy alternatives that keep me satisfied is the reason chocolate remains a permanent part of my life.  Let me know if you try any of these recipes or if you have any ideas to share.  Chocolate Lovers Unite!  Life is sweeter with chocolate, the right chocolate that is.   

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Kitchen Basics For A Healthy Lifestyle

Just like a chef needs the right utensils to create a gourmet meal or an artist needs the right tools to create a masterpiece, someone who is dieting or trying to maintain their weight needs the right instruments in their kitchen.

Preparing my kitchen for success was important to changing my lifestyle .  In the past when I started to diet I jumped into a plan without a thought about organization or having what I truly needed to make it work for the long haul. 

These are some of my favorite kitchen gadgets that keep me on track:

1.  A scale. This doesn't have to be expensive.  I picked up my scale at Target for about 15 bucks and I use it just about everyday.  On my plan I not only eyeball my meals but I also count calories.  For instance, an apple that is 3.9 oz. is 57 calories.  Have you ever cut up an apple and weighed it?  I realized how many calories I was really taking in once I did.  My afternoon snacks consist of about 100 to 140 calories so if I want an apple and some cheese I have to take the weight and calories into consideration. 

2. Measuring Spoons.  I use this every day for adding my flax oil and salad dressings, and almond butter to my meals.

3.  Ziploc Zip n' Steam Bags.  I Love these because I can get precut fresh veggies at the grocery store or fruit market and toss them in these bags, throw them into the microwave and I have my steamed vegetables in minutes.  I love adding seasonings and onions to the bags for added flavor. 

4.  Measuring Cups.  I use these for measuring cereal.  Cereal is something we don't really measure that much and a serving is usually 3/4 to 1 cup.  Measuring my cereal is important when counting calories and staying with the right portions.

5.  A Coffee Pot.  I am getting ready to buy a new item that only brews tea.  I drink a lot of green tea, black tea and white tea throughout the day. 

6.  My Netbook.  A bit more on the high end price-wise but any computer works just as well.  My netbook is in my kitchen or wherever I am lately.  I use it to find recipes and keep them loaded as I make my dinners.  I use it to search out calories and restaurant choices for carryout. I want to see what the nutritional values of the food I'm purchasing or meals I'm buying are. I also use my computer to print an ongoing grocery list I've created so I know what to reach for when I shop.

7. 9-inch plates.  The plan I'm on uses 9-inch plates.  1/2  is veggies, 1/4 carb, 1/4 protein, and a 2 litre pop capful of fat.  The plates keep my portions in check when I don't know calories.

8. Microwave, Toaster Oven.  Most of us have these things and using them is a quick way to prepare pita pizzas, microwave veggies, and toast bread. Toasting bread is better than eating it untoasted for digestive reasons. 

9. Ziploc Snack Bags.  I use these to portion out snacks-to-go.  I'd rather not buy the prepackaged 100 calorie snack packs.  A lot of them got me into trouble with too much sugar, not enough nutritional value.  My snacks are Almonds, Pita Chips, Chocolate Covered Soy Nuts, cereals like Special K Protein, Baked Fish Crackers, my own trailmix etc.

10. Crockpot! I love my crockpot because I can throw my ingredients in and forget about it for the day.  This is great for people who work or are busy taking care of families. My favorite cookbook for this is the Fix It And Forget It Lightly Cookbook.

11.  Ramekins.  A great way to watch portions, use ramekins as a guide.  An ounce of chips fit nicely in a ramekin.  They're great for fruit and icecream scoops as well.  I am a fan of Tofutti icecreams or anything that has low sugar content in it.  I also use them for my No Pudge Fudge Brownie Mix. With this mix I can eat one brownie topped with fat free whipped topping.

12. Blender.  For those quick smoothies that taste great on a hot summer day. For blending cereals to use as bread crumbs.  I love Hungry Girl's Ring Leader Onion Rings.

13. Tea Strainer Spoon.  Because I love tea so much and I want to do it right I use a tea strainer spoon.  After letting my tea steep for about 5 minutes I use the spoon to get every last bit of the teas nutrients into my cup. 

Start out with a few of these items and your kitchen will be well equipped for the coming months and your new healthy ways.  The easier you make it for yourself, the easier it will be to get through the day.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Changing Habits For A New Lifestyle

How devoted are you to changing your routine?  How important is it that you change your habits?  These are questions I have asked myself time and time again.  There is in my eyes no magic number.  I believe it just takes time.

It took me a long time to put on the weight and it was going to take a long time to get it off.  Most importantly it was going to take a long time to change my unhealthy habits.  It was the routine that I had gotten myself into that put me in an unhealthy state of mind. 

When you realize that it's not going to happen overnight (the weight loss)  then you will be on your way.  Being honest about the situation is a great start to making a change. 

There are a few things we need to think about when changing our habits.  These are some of the things that helped me.

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Now is the time to do something different.  Be with different people you know will guide you in the right direction.  Talk to people that will motivate you and praise you for your efforts.  Clean out your cabinets and start buying healthier versions of the foods you love.  Buy an exercise video and workout for 10 minutes.  Just change your daily routine.  Maybe you need to get up earlier, go to bed earlier. 

Focus On Something Positive
Scientific studies have shown that thinner people, healthier people are positive people.  Don't focus on the negatives.  Many times my mind would wander to the weight loss, the numbers on the scale.  Once I remembered to focus on getting fitter and healthier that is when things got moving and changing.  You'll stress yourself out thinking of the numbers all the time.

Change Your Environment
Change starts with your environment.  When I'm in a stressful situation I have a tendency to slip back into old eating habits. You have to constantly maintain change by renewing your commitment, celebrating accomplishments and thinking positive even in these stressful times.
Dust off your stationary bike in the corner and put it in front of a sunny window so you exercise each day.  Scatter health magazines and motivating quotes around your home so you are learning and conscious of where you are headed. 

Be Proactive
Tell yourself things will get better.  Defeat is temporary.  Don't focus on all the wrong things you've done focus on all the new things you've incorporated into your daily routine.  Focus on all the good things that will come from your changes.  Stop telling yourself you're going to start walking and start walking.  Set your alarm on your cell phone and when it goes off that's when you get yourself outside for that walk, no excuses.  Plan your meals for the day and stick with what you planned.  Carry the menu with you even if you're out on the road as a reminder.

Find Alternatives
Finding things to feel relaxed and happy that aren't food related is important.  A great book with a cup of green tea works for me.  My exercise routine gives me energy and gives me a sense of accomplishment when I've finished.  Comfort can come from a soothing song on my Ipod or a great conversation with my children. 

What you eat, how you exercise, how you go about your day, changing your mind, not rushing.  It's all about being flexible and getting out of that comfort zone we get trapped in.  Perseverance is key.  Change, routine, habits are all things that we need to continually be conscious of if we want to get to where we are going.  For me it's all about staying where I am, healthy and fit.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Healthy Recipe Ideas For A Healthy Lifestyle

Sponsored by Progresso® Light
POINTS® Value: 4
Servings: 2
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Preparation Time: 15 Minutes
Total Time: 25 Minutes
A 30-minute meatless skillet dinner for two, made with a can of Progresso® Light soup.

Vegetarian Italian Pasta Skillet Dinner Ingredients
1 1/3 cups frozen sausage-style soy-protein crumbles
1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms
1/2 cup coarsely chopped onion (1 medium)
1 can (18.5 oz) Progresso® Light Italian-style vegetable soup
3/4 cup uncooked bow-tie (farfalle) pasta (2 oz)
2 cups fresh baby spinach leaves
1/4 cup shredded mozzarella or Parmesan cheese (1 oz)
1.In a 12-inch nonstick skillet, cook soy crumbles, mushrooms and onion over medium-high heat, stirring frequently, until crumbles are hot and vegetables are tender, about 4 to 6 minutes.
2.Stir in soup. Cover; increase heat to high and bring to a boil. Stir in pasta; reduce heat to medium-low. Cover; simmer 10 minutes.
3.Add spinach; cook, uncovered, stirring occasionally, until spinach is hot and just begins to wilt, about 3 to 5 minutes. Remove from heat and sprinkle with cheese. Yields about 1 3/4 cups per serving.

From time to time I'd love to share my favorite healthy recipes.  I choose recipes I know the entire family will love.  I look for quick, easy, simple ingredients so I don't have to spend a lifetime in my kitchen.  I also look for new and interesting foods to try.  I wanted to incorporate  vegetarian fare into my routine for the simple reason it saves money, it's quick, and healthy.  I could get my spinach in and it called for soy crumbles something I hadn't tried.  My family loved! it and had no idea they were eating so healthy.  I'm making this again this week.  Do you have a  favorite healthy meal? 

2008© ®/TM of General Mills

Saturday, March 27, 2010

5 Things I've Learned From Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Have you seen Jamie Oliver's Food  Revolution?  Kudos to Oliver for taking on such a monumental task.  To take on one of the unhealthiest cities in America and change their eating habits is quite a feat. 

I have watched some of these episodes and have learned a great deal from it already. It's a reality check for us all and what we could be doing to improve not only the way we allow our children to eat in their school but how much of an influence food has on us as individuals as well as our family's health.

Here Are 5 Things I've Learned From Jamie Oliver:

1.  That people really think what they're feeding their bodies won't effect them or their children, it effects others. That you can't change one's way of thinking and habits.  It's just too late.

2.  That the price of food is more of a concern than the price people will pay for eating unhealthy fare. Did you see them contemplating whether or not they should let Jamie continue?

3.That when we are home after work and school and shut away from the world food choices don't count.  Our habits do start at home and every child was a reflection of the parents Jamie talked to.

4.  That if we don't go to the doctor for regular check-ups our health problems don't exist. We're young, we have time.

5.  That it takes a young gentleman chef from another country to wake up a small town from a junk food induced coma. 

Wherever we are it may not be a bad idea to start our own food revolution in our own home.  Hooray! for Jamie Oliver for shaking things up, being honest and persistent.  I'm watching, learninng and on his side.

This is not just a lesson in childish behavior but in our own behavior as well.  A bit of child psychology for us all.  A subliminal message of sorts that if we look at our children we will see ourselves in their food behaviors and lifestyle choices. 

You can check out episodes online and then tell me what you think.  I'm convinced that after watching this show I plan on working hard to stay healthier than ever before. Or at least trying to do better than yesterday for myself and my family.

Friday, March 26, 2010

How Do You Enhance Your Wellbeing?


I am interested in what you have to say.  Let me know how you enhance your well being.  Is it with new exercise?  Is it a day at the spa?  Spending time with friends?  How about getting in the kitchen and trying a new healthy recipe?  I would love to hear your ideas and pass them onto others.

Being open to try new things is what keeps life interesting and motivates.
For me it's finding a new bike trail with my husband, driving to a new destination and visiting a town I've never been to before.  I love things off the beaten path.  A great conversation with my girlfriends.  Reading a self-indulgent book.  Discovering and learning something I didn't know about yesterday gets my creative juices flowing.  These things bring a smile to my face, get my heart racing with excitement and fill my days with adventure.  I'm a better person for having tried these things and rejuvenated. I look forward to a new day.

So, let me know.  Give me some advice.  Your ideas may give someone the change they're looking for and enhance not only their well being but their life.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Walking Calculator

Calories Burned Calculator
Estimate the calories you burned walking:

Walking can help prevent high blood pressure.

Running Calculator

Calories Burned Calculator
Estimate the calories you burned running:

Running can help control high cholesterol.

Walking Basics 101

When I first started dieting the only exercises I incorporated into my plan were 8 minutes in the morning of weights and 3 or 4 days out of the week power walking.  My girlfriends got me started on the walking.  Having friends to talk with and watch me progress and give me encouragement was a boost to my self esteem and my mood. 

 I concentrated on my diet and eating and didn't want to overwhelm myself with too much exercise.  I had started everything at once  before and slowly gave up.  I didn't want a repeat of what I had done in the past.  Taking things slowly gave me time to digest everything I was doing and learning.

I love walking for the simple reason; I can grab a pair of good tennis shoes and workout anywhere I am.  I never have an excuse even on vacation.  My last big trip with my family involved walking a beautiful boardwalk every morning with the ocean on one side and dolphins jumping out of the water.  Passerbys were people rollerblading, walking, or running.  I felt like I was part of something really big and important.  I was part of the health smart group of people who enjoyed being outside and exercising. It felt great!

Why not get started today with a walking regime.  Here are some basics:


  • Walking is good for your heart and can reduce high blood pressure and high cholesterol. 

  •  It Strengthens your bones and joints. For me walking is easier on my joints than high impact workouts. I love that it reduces my risk for osteoporosis something I am concerned about at my age. 

  • Walking helps control your weight. A power walk elevates my heart rate and boosts my metabolism.  I burn a ton of calories on my 4-1/2 mile to 5 mile walks.

  • Think of the benefits to your mind.  When I walk it 's a stress relief.  It helps with depression and I sleep soooo much better. 
The Basics of Walking

  • Think Heel To Toe -  Step forward landing squarely on the heel of your foot. Roll forward onto the ball of your foot. Raise the heel and push off with your big toe.

  • Strengthen and Stretch before you walk. Try these to get started: Strengthening and Stretching Demos

  • Find your Stride.  When I walked with a friend her stride was a little shorter than mine.  I was much taller and after she walked with me her joints and muscles were extremely sore.  Slow walkers are 3 to 3.5 mph or 17 to 20 minutes per mile according to  Brisk walking is about 4mph or 15 minutes per mile and Fast walking or jogging is 5mph or 12 minutes per mile. 

  • Be aware of posture.  Stand tall, abs tight, back straight, head up.

  • Buy well fitting tennis shoes.  Don't skimp on a good pair of walking or running shoes.  I change mine every 3 months since I workout so much in them.

  • Bring some music along.  I love having my Ipod along.  I can listen to fast or quiet tunes to move or relax me.

  • When the weather gets cold and rainy and your workout can't wait treadmills can be an excellent solution.  Check out these basics for treadmill walkers: Treadmill basics
Have A Little Fun
Spice it up a bit and try out one of these links to track your walking:

Get  a little competitive, challenge yourself.  See if you can go a little farther each week, sign up for a walk-a-thon for muscular dystrophy or walk for cancer.  I walked with a friend in a "Walk for Warmth" walk-a-thon to raise money for people who couldn't pay their heating bills.

Track your calories and distance.  I've included 2 calorie counters at the bottom of my blog so you can see how much you've burned once you finish your walk or run. 

It's easy, it's fun and it's a great way to ease into exercise. It's something you can stick with and incorporate into your busy lifestyle.  

What are you waiting for?  Just get walking. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Step Away From That Fridge!

It's going to happen.  Suddenly it will strike.  Hunger pangs, boredom, wanting the foods you haven't eaten in awhile.  You'll stand at your refrigerator or pantry staring into the abyss.  Your eyes glazed over focusing on that last piece of cake, that pan of rice krispie treats.  It's as if the food zombies have come to take you away, mess up your plans and tempt you back into being a junk food eating, couch potatoe once again.

It happens to me all the time.  Learning to cope and having strategies to step away and wake up out of your malaise takes practice.  So, step away from the fridge! I'm here to help.  There are things you can do to redirect your attention and get back to reality.

Here are10 tips and tricks to try:

1. Brush Your Teeth - Not only is this great for oral hygiene but it's great for your overall health as well.  Ask Dr. Oz.

2.  Chew Gum - An easy trick I use when cooking dinner so I don't do all that taste testing.  Recent studies also show that it can boost your metabolism.  I'll do anything to get my metabolism going again.

3. Drink Water - Sometimes you aren't even hungry.  If you haven't gotten your water in for the day dehydration sets in.  That hunger you're feeling is really just that.  Once I drink my water my energy reappears and I feel full.

4. Eat Healthy Snacks - Fill up on foods filled with fibre and protein.  I love string cheese, apples, oranges and grapefruit.  The oranges and grapefruit have the highest fibre content in the fruit category. Almonds are great too.

5.  Don't Skip Your Meals - Waiting too long in between meals or skipping them altogether can make you reach for the wrong things.  On my plan I eat a snack or meal every 3 hours. 

6.  Drink Tea -  Green, Black or White Teas are a favorite of mine.  Sipping slowly, relaxing and enjoying a hot cup of tea is sometimes all I need.

7. Journal Something - Maybe it's how you're feeling at the moment. Emotions in your day may prompt you to head for the kitchen.  That stash in the back of the cupboard you tried to hide from your family won't help the situation.

8.  The Kitchen Is Closed -  Close it down.  Remove yourself from the situation.  Get away from the triggers and the food that's visible.  Go to another room in the house and start a new project or just close your eyes and meditate on something else.

9. Get A Hobby -  Boredom produces fatique and hunger.  Have something ready to do that makes you happy and gets you involved.  Gardening, reading, scrapbooking, exercising, walking, painting.  Anything to change your thoughts of food to thoughts of fun and creativity.  Remember when you were a kid?

10. Give In A Little - If you've tried everything and you still can't stop thinking about those freshly baked cookies then go ahead, give in a little.  Take one bite and throw the rest away.  Eat the entire thing but know that the very next snack or meal you vow to get right back onto your plan.  It's like falling off a bike.  You get right back on and try, try again. 

Of course you can just chalk it up as a mistake (we are human after all) and move on.  Just don't give up.  It's not the end of the world.  It's all part of learning how to handle what you will be doing the rest of your life.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Happiness Factor: 5 Things I Needed To Learn

When I first lost my weight it was quite noticeable and I definitely turned a lot of heads.  I'm not trying to be egotistical here, just honest.  It felt great!  After struggling for years with weight issues I had finally reached a goal that gave me the freedom to wear new clothes, walk into my job at the time with confidence, and feel energetic everyday.  My happiness was all about being skinny again. 
A trap I fell into and needed to get out of.  My happiness faded after a year or so of constantly talking about my weight.

The Happiness Factor, how do you get it back? When you look at your physical and forget about what is within.  When all the admiration, double takes, questions of how you did it and that feeling that this is your 15 minutes of fame end.  You're left wondering what to do next.  Having a few things in place once reality hits is very important. 

Don't get me wrong, you should celebrate every milestone of your weight loss journey.  You should stand tall again.  The truth is that you also need to know that people do stop looking and you need to remember why you did all of this in the first place.  For YOU.  For YOUR health. Taking your positives and turning them into something even better is something I recognized I needed to do.

Here are 5 things to remember once you hit those weight loss goals:
1.  Happiness is not physical it's from within.  Your heart and health are your strongest assets. Knowing this is enough to keep you going for the long haul.

2. New Goals - Once you've reached a level of happiness due to your weight loss, reality will set in.  New goals need to be made to compliment your new you!  Make a list today and focus on the great things you'll do now that you feel so great!

3. Be Grateful - For who you are.  For what you've accomplished. Not who others think you are.  Be happy about climbing those stairs that were so hard to climb.  Get excited that you can enjoy family time again without being conscious of what you look like.  Think of how strong and energetic you are again. You have your life back!

4. Be Optimistic -  Find ways to be positive about life.  You can approach people with confidence, you're feeling good inside.  Know that everyday brings new and exciting opportunities that aren't related to your weight and how you look. 

5. Help Others -  Now that you have lost your weight, help others do the same.  Help others stay on track.  Maybe you just feel better about approaching people and helping them out.  I deliver meals to shut-ins, I help clean roads with a great group I belong to.  Things that have nothing to do with your weight loss are the best things to an even healthier heart and mind.

Having lost your weight is a great thing but it's what you do afterwards that counts.  Remembering who you are inside is the most important part, the rest is just icing on the cake.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Before And After

Well, here it is, me before and after weight loss. I still can't believe that's me in Florida with my kids.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Journal Your Way To Health

When I first got started on my way to getting healthy, journaling became an important daily or weekly routine.  Part of any successful diet or maintenance plan is having the right tools. A nice journal and pen were two must have items.

I didn't write everyday.  In the beginning my goal was to write in my journal once a week.  Journal entries consisted of accomplishments, if I had added a new food or got in more exercise than usual.  I recorded my moods and what the weather was like.   I wrote about challenges and triumphs.  I recorded my weightloss numbers and gains.

Most of all, my journal was a record of all the emotions that either led me to lose my weight, stay the same or gain.  I still have that first journal and I dust it off and read those pages as a reminder of how far I've come.  It jumpstarts the bad days that today have a tendency to creep up on me. 

Nowadays I use my notebook computer and Word to type in my thoughts and save them to a CD. 

It's easy to get started and doesn't have to take up much time.  Knowing what makes you eat the wrong things or makes you feel like you should just forget about your goals and give into temptation can be liberating.  Once you find out some of those reasons you are more prepared the next time they crop up.  Having a few backup plans for those emotions can definitely be a comfort.  Journaling is one backup plan to get you back on track.  It is a record of how you handled the best and worst times. 

There are a few ways you can get started:

1.  A nice journal and pen from a bookstore or office supply store is the easiest way to start.
2.  Use your computer and start a journal using Word.  You can also lock your secrets up in Word. 

3.  There are several websites that are free.  You can sign up and start journaling today.  Some of my favorites are:

Try it.  You will be surprised at what you find out about yourself and your journey.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Just Be -- The Key To Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle

I don't know about you but some nights I can barely get to sleep because my mind is racing.  I wake up and my day starts out frenzied and ends with a crash.
Hurrying meant eating on the go, never exercising, and feeling tired and sick most of the time.
What does it mean to just be? 
In order for me to get to my goal weight I had to learn to practice this feeling.  If I hadn't then I would have been unsuccessful.  Rushing around and never taking time out to breath or take care of yourself is one of the reasons it becomes so difficult to maintain or lose your weight.
Being present, aware, and removing your doubts and fears about the day, or your life is so important.  It can be difficult to just be still and focus.  Those bundle of thoughts you have are useless in creating a better lifestyle for yourself. 
I am still struggling with this notion of just being and not filling my calendar with something to do every waking hour.  I and others I have talked to tell me they feel guilty when they aren't doing. 
Today I'm practicing just being. 
I will take time out of my day to just be me. 
Here are some things you can do to start the practice of just being:
1.  Meditate or yoga 
2. Stopping for 10 seconds to just breathe and listen to your own breath.
3. Be grateful for this calm moment.
4. Get rid of all your thoughts and focus on something that makes you calm and happy
like the ocean scene above. 
Once you've done this you'll find yourself slowing down and appreciating things that you're doing for yourself, your body and your mind.   All a part of your new healthy lifestyle and keeping it off.
Just Be.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Snacking, Dieting and Keeping It Off

Snacking is so important if you want to maintain your weight or you're dieting. I have learned that snacking helps burn more calories by keeping my blood sugar levels constant and keeps my metabolism revved throughout the day.

By snacking every 3 or 4 hours at the most I am not as hungry.  When my regular meals come around I don't feel ravenous so I eat slower and concentrate on my food.  I eat the right portions and never go for seconds.

I love looking for a variety of snacks and look for those between 100 and 140 calories.  I workout quite a bit so fueling my body with healthy snacks is important. There are so many to choose from.

My snack choices fluctuate and although I love almonds, and string cheese, fruit and veggies I also like to add chocolate to my snack list so I don't feel deprived.  However, I choose the right healthy chocolate snacks and desserts. 

Here are four of my most recent snack choices that I just can't do without:

I love Sugar Free Dove Chocolates.  I found mine at Target and they are a sweet lovers delight.  I usually eat about 4 of these with a cup of green tea.  I have the dark chocolates of course. 
Check out their site for a list of their products and where to find them.

At first I wasn't crazy about Greek Yogurt then when I was watching an Oprah show a guest suggested using a packet of Truvia to this.  It is now my favorite yogurt and has the lowest amount of sugar.  I am all for getting rid of the large amounts of sugar that we digest everyday.  Cutting back on my sugar intake has made a tremendous difference in the way I feel.  I add about a tablespoon of granola or some strawberries to this and it keeps me full and satisfied for a long time. This site also has a coupon so you can
try one for yourself. 

I love soups for a snack and Progresso has the best tasting in my books.  I heat up a can in the early afternoon and eat about a cup of this for energy.  It's quick, easy and soooo filling.  It's healthy and packed with vegetables. 
Progresso also has some heart healthy recipes using their soups.  I'll introduce you to one of my favorites tomorrow.   

This has got to be my all time favorite right now.  My mom has diabetes and eats this.  Vita Muffins especially the Deep Chocolate are full of fibre and vitamins and taste like a brownie.  I heat mine up in the microwave add a tsp. of lite Hershey's Syrup and 2 Tbls. of Fat Free Reddi Whip for the most decadent
lo-cal dessert ever!  I think when all is said and done we're talking about 120 calories for a great way to end the day. 

So, you can have your cake and eat it too.  Even while maintaining your weight or dieting there's so much to choose from and I am always excited about discovering new ways to snack.  I'll pass on more of my favorites as time goes on.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mini Goals To Weight Loss And Keeping It Off


Do you remember the last time you set a goal for yourself?  I remember my last big goal was to graduate from college with a bachelors degree.  If I had thought right out of the start gate that I had to rush through everything to get there I would have been truly disappointed with myself and would have quit.  To truly be satisfied I had to work hard to get that diploma.

Because I took my time and experienced everything, the networking, professors, discussions with peers, test taking, and clubs, I truly felt I had become a well-rounded person, as cliche as that may sound. 

I'll never regret the journey. I'll always carry with me the knowledge and wisdom that comes with being a student. 

Even the strongest athletes had to start somewhere.  Their strength and motivation didn't just happen overnight. They trained everyday and learned to change their lifestyle to reach the top. 

That goal and how I obtained it was one I kept stored in my mind even as I embarked on my weight loss journey.  If I could do the college thing why couldn't I do the weight loss thing?  I applied those same principles to my new goals. 

Mini goals are what I remember vividly and I still go through this process today. Here are some things to consider:

Plan -  Wake up each morning with a plan for the day. It might not always come to fruition but at least you have somewhere to start.

Take Baby Steps -  Mini goals are baby steps.  Start with knowing how you'll handle your morning and once you get past that have the next step ready to embark on. Maybe it's just drinking your water.
Do Your Homework -  Make it a habit to learn something new about your health, eating, and exercise.  The fun part is finding out new ways to enjoy the process and there's a plethora of information to incorporate into your new lifestyle. 

Slow And Steady Wins The Race - Take your time and enjoy the changes that are happening inside and out. Make sure the goals you set are your goals and no one else.  I remember thinking that a wedding was coming up and I'd better hurry to fit into my dress!  I never got there any thinner or healthier.

Stop Beating Yourself Up! - The day I realized I was human and made mistakes was the day I knew I would be alright. You will cheat.  Give yourself a break!  I just tell myself the next meal I'll get on track, the next time I exercise I'll add a little more weight lifting.  There's always another day. Don't give up! Learn from your mistakes.
Celebrate! -  However your day unfolds find one thing you did right.  Celebrate everything you're doing. Maybe you just invited a friend to join you in your new exercise routine. There's always something. 

Mini Goals are important and for me that's how I get through everyday. Try some of your own and you'll end up being a winner too!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Favorite DVDs

Let's face it,  exercise can get pretty boring unless it is full of variety and has the word fun attached to it.  Here in Michigan the winter months can get very cold, long and rainy.  In the winter I have walked the mall, watched videos on my laptop and have even found exercises "On Demand" since our cable company offers these for free.  My favorite thing to do is search for new DVDs on several of my favorite sites.  One such site is Collage Video.  At this site you can watch portions of exercise DVDs before you purchase them.  I have a bookcase full to challenge myself, get in quick workouts and I never get bored.  I have 3 series that I absolutely can tell you work my body.

The Firm Cardio Party is Great!  I do this one at least once a week.  All of these tapes are great for beginners all the way up to the novice exercise guru.  I have step tapes, strength training tapes and dance tapes from them.  They are easy to follow and really work my body into shape. They also offer exercise equipment and tools that fit with their workouts.

I love Kathy Smith!  Her workouts definitely make me sweat and work every muscle in my body.  She is easy to follow and has such a huge library of tapes to choose from.  I have this particular DVD and use it regularly as well.  She has sound advice on all her workout DVDs and is motivating and fun.  She has been on the exercise circuit for years and looks phenomenal!  Her exuberance is contagious so I keep coming back for more.

I love Prevention Magazine for it's sound advice, and tips and tricks to staying healthy at any age.  Chris Freytag is an excellent instructor in all of the Prevention DVDs.  I have them all.  I love this one in particular because it is 3 minutes cardio, 2 minutes strength training and 1 minute abs.  You go through 6 circuits and a cool down.  For a workout that targets every part of your body and teaches you each exercise easily and efficiently these DVDs are a great addition to your library or for anyone just starting out. It also cues you on how to work harder if you choose to.

Of course these are all wonderful ways to get started exercising or to keep exercising in the privacy of your own home.  I like them because I have my own personal trainer,  I don't have to go far to get started and I feel great afterwards.  I can do them when the weather is bad or when I am in a hurry and the variety is endless.

If you want to save even more money, check out the exercise DVDs at your local library.   

There's such a huge selection to choose from wherever you go.   So, what are you waiting for?  There isn't an excuse in the world why you shouldn't find something you like to keep the excitement going or to get started on an exercise regime today.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Keeping It Off -- A Mindset

Keeping it off and dieting is a mindset.  Like everything else in your arsenal of dieting tips, tricks, and tools your mind is the key to achieving what you desire in weight loss and lifestyle change.   

Get It Out Of Your Head
In the past after I lost pounds on several popular diet plans my mindset was that I could go back to my old ways.  The old me would start eating everything in sight and the exercise would be put on the backburner.  Lose the thought that things will be this way and you will move forward.

Now, after my last attempt at taking off the weight and keeping it off my mind tells me that this is my life.  Everything I did wrong is a thing of the past and new habits have emerged and will remain. 

Look At Your Food
Dieting means you never get to eat good food again, right?  You give up everything you love either foodwise or how you go about your day, right?  WRONG!  Lifestyle changes in diet and exercise are not a life sentence.  For me, I still eat all the same meals with my family only now I watch portions and choose healthier options for my recipes.  Ground turkey for tacos,  whole wheat pastas for our Italian nights, turkey bacon for breakfast or veggie sausages.   Life and the grocery store have so many wonderful options now.  Food is a delight when I try new fruits or healthy recipes.  My taste palate has learned to love new textures and colors on my plate at every meal.  Feeding my body with better things (and I'm still learning) are exciting not boring.

Exercise is fun because I make it fun!  I ask family and friends to join me and I do things I love like bike riding and walking. 

The Pollyanna Principle
Research indicates that, at the unconscious level, our minds have a tendency to focus on the optimistic while, at the conscious level, we have a tendency to focus on the negative. This unconscious bias towards the positive is often described as the Pollyanna principle.

In dieting and keeping it off we need to focus on the positive and truly believe it.  Recite to yourself how important you are and how great you are feeling and looking.  Believe it, walk it, make it real! Some of the ways I keep the positive is by reading positive quotes from others who are in the same place as myself.  I have friends who motivate and believe in me and I only surround myself with those positive people.  I gravitate towards powerful, positive pictures, stories and places.

Exercise The Mind
Taking time out to just be is so important to staying on track.  Meditating, listening to favorite tunes, writing down your thoughts, taking walks in nature and listening to the birds and feeling the sun on your face, listening to your own breath without the background noise of life always heading towards you.  Take time out and you'll feel refreshed and ready for whatever gets thrown at you.  You'll realize how important you are and why you're doing what you are doing for your body and soul.

Thinking positive and telling the negative to go away is so important.

Everybody gets stressed, bored, depressed, discouraged.  Our hurried world hands us these things everyday.  It wasn't always easy for me.  Changing my mind took time and practice.  These everyday idiosyncrasies still creep up on us when we least expect it and when we wish they wouldn't at the worst times.  They have taught me perseverance, goal setting, and hard work all over again.

Change your mind, change your life!