Thursday, March 11, 2010

Keeping It Off-- 10 Steps To Exercising

When I first decided to lose my weight I knew that no matter what, exercise had to be part of that process. For someone who had become a couch potatoe this was difficult to swallow. I always wanted an easy way out. Once the pounds started coming off I started walking. I bought a pedometer and tracked my miles and gathered up some friends who were both encouraging and motivating to join me. Exercising is not easy. On certain days you are tired and don't want to get out of bed, you have to learn to challenge yourself so that you see results and it is a lifetime commitment to staying fit and healthy. Here are 10 steps I took to easing myself into a lifelong commitment to exercising.

1. Ease your way into any exercise you plan on doing. Don't do a 5 mile walk on your first day out or an hour cardio video at home if you've never worked out before or haven't worked out in awhile.

2. Make sure you choose something that you know you will stick with for the long haul. Walking for me was something I knew I could stick with and I could do anywhere even on vacation.

3. Variety is key. If your walking make sure you take different routes and challenge yourself by going a little further each week. Buy video tapes for rainy days and winter months so you can try out new exercise routines. Find a great Bike trail, pack a healthy lunch and ask your spouse or friend to join you.

4. A friend or spouse that motivates and encourages you to keep going and compliments you on your accomplishments is a positive thing and will keep you going. It's not a competition. Do this for you and only you. By surrounding yourself with positives you will keep you going.

5. Pick a time of day that works for you and stick with it. For me 6a.m. every morning was perfect! My family wasn't awake, I got my workout in and I could concentrate on the rest of the day. This was my time uninterrupted and still is after 7 years.

6. Be prepared! I have my tennis shoes by my bed and I often wear my workout clothes too. I wake at the sound of my alarm, put on my tennis shoes, grab a bottle of water and either do a workout tape or head out for a walk.

7. Have a backup plan. Rain or shine I know before the next day what my exercise options will be. No excuses!

8. Have the right equipment. Well fitted tennis shoes, comfortable clothes, a set of weights, a step, video tapes, a favorite exercise website to go to for exercise routines. There are a variety of inexpensive pieces of equipment you can utilize at home that cost pennies like a jump rope for instance. I've never been to a club. I like the comforts of home. Get in, Get out! That's my motto.

9. Fuel your body before and after your workouts. A piece of fruit before is great! Something to keep you going is very important. Enjoy your workout foods.

10. Treat yourself to some great workout clothes, feel great about what your doing and enjoy the journey.

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