Friday, April 30, 2010


Making Changes

This week I was waiting with great anticipation to change my exercise routine. The exercises I’ve been doing are becoming increasingly dull and lackluster. To make a change I remembered how much I love dancing! Whenever my husband asks me what we should do for date night I’m looking for a local dance venue to shake things up. I really don’t care what I look like doing it. I’m not a professional dancer by any means. I just love to feel my body move and work up a sweat. I also admit being a Dancing with the Stars junkie. My daughter Kelly and I can’t wait each week for a new episode.

I think that for all of us there’s something we wish we could do or be something we admire in someone else. Dancing and ice skating were two such things for me. I envisioned myself moving to the beats or gliding effortlessly on the ice. I grew up watching Fame and Dorothy Hamill. The ice skating idea behind me, dancing is still a favorite since I love music, movement, people and the bright lights of the night.

The need for a routine change led me to ZUMBA! At first I researched what this dance/cardio craze was all about. I had seen numerous ads on television, in my e-mails and on my facebook page for these classes. Once I knew what I wanted to do I sent out a question to my facebook friends asking if they knew what it was like. My friend Alyce, who’s an amazing aerobics instructor herself at a local Level 1 gym in Michigan, suggested a friend who was teaching a ZUMBA class near my home.

What Is It?

The Zumba® program fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness program that will blow you away. Zumba® is one exciting hour of calorie-burning, body-energizing, awe-inspiring movements meant to engage and captivate.

The routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. Add some Latin flavor and international zest into the mix and you've got a Zumba® class!


Celebrity fitness trainer, "Beto" Perez, stumbled upon the concept of Latin-inspired dance-fitness in his native Cali, Colombia in the mid-‘90s.

One day, he walked into his aerobics class and realized he had forgotten his aerobics music. Thinking quickly, he grabbed whatever tapes he had in his backpack. Beto's tapes were comprised of songs he loved, the traditional Latin salsa and merengue music he listened to all his life. But it was a challenge to improvise a whole class on the spot using non-traditional aerobics music. Beto rose to the challenge and from this last-minute improvisation a revolutionary new concept in fitness was born – the Zumba Fitness-Party™! The class soon became the most popular class at his fitness facility.

Where To Begin

First of all you have to leave your inhibitions at the door. Forget about everyone else in the room and concentrate on your own rhythm and love for music. At first I admit I was a bit apprehensive about trying it out. Was I coordinated enough? Could I get through the entire class without collapsing? What would others think of me? I just turned 46 and age is always in the back of my mind when I attempt anything. My head says yes, my body sometimes says no.

My worries soon dissipated once I got to the Dance Studio. The room was larger than life and the mirrors went the entire length of one wall. I was going to see myself dance and move for the first time. I wasn’t sure I wanted to look at myself move but I did take a few peeks.

It was a great feeling knowing that women of every age, size and race were taking this class. Some of the women I talked to were regular participants of ZUMBA. Mothers and daughters, friends, and people going solo like me were excited to get started.

The Dance

Nancy G. was our instructor and started by explaining the dance moves before each sequence. After we learned a couple of simple steps she started the music. WOW! The music was heart pumping, fun, exhilarating and got me going. I felt an excitement building inside of me that I hadn’t felt in a very long time and I felt the energy of everyone else involved. We were dancing! I felt every muscle in my body and did things I didn’t even think I could do. I was smiling and laughing at my mistakes and finding enjoyment in exercise once again. I was admiring Nancy and how well she could shake her body on the dance floor. Nancy kept us motivated and moving. After each sequence we got a few seconds to drink some water then it was back to new steps and music.

By the time the class had finished I was drenched in sweat and the hour had passed. I believe Nancy had mentioned if we had put into the routine what we were supposed to we would have burned 638 calories. Oh, Yes!

After The Workout

The funny thing about this whole process is that now I’m practicing shaking my booty in the mirror (just like Nancy said I would do) and feeling my own flexibility. I didn’t feel these things the day before. My husband appreciates it. I am excited about it. Life is good.

I now have a new appreciation for dance. I know that it’s all about my interpretation to the music and how fun I want it to be. I’m grateful for having decided to take the plunge and try something different. Incorporating something fresh into my daily routine has also helped me get over a fear. Like so many countless others who have started a Bucket List this was one thing I wanted to cross off of mine, to feel the dance. It was worth every move I made.

Find a ZUMBA class near you. If you’re ever in Macomb Township, Michigan you should try and look up Nancy G.

Please feel free to e-mail me at for any information or questions you might have. I can pass your ZUMBA questions onto Nancy or tell you more about my experience. You can also post your comments on my blog. I’d love to hear from you.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Panera Leads The Way!

I'm so excited! By the end of 2010 Panera Bread will be one of the first restaurant chains to post calories on their menus. I'm not sure how all of the nutrition information will be monitored but this is great for those of us who like to see what we're eating from a healthy standpoint.

I for one believe in making choices based on fat content, calories etc. I also like to plan before I go anywhere so that I don't lose control. To maintain I know how much I can consume based on calories and how much exercise I choose to put into my day.

The best part about all of this is that you can now take a peek at the nutritional information via their Nutritional calculator. Type in the item and other pertinent information that the calculator asks for and a chart will pop up. I love Panera’s You Pick Two menu where I order 1/2 an Asian Sesame Salad and a Fat Free Vegetable Soup.

Being able to make wise choices wherever I go is a great feeling and helps me maintain what I’ve been trying to do for the past 7 years. I want to be able to go out to dinner and enjoy myself and stay healthy. I feel so much better when I know I'm staying within my calorie intake for the day. I can enjoy my favorites when I'm out with friends or family.

Even before Panera decided to make their choice to help America get on track I was searching for ways to do this myself. Calorie is an excellent resource to look up other restaurants and food information. I use it regularly. Before I head out to eat I use Calorie King to make my choices and I get to the restaurant knowing I have a plan.

This site is useful when whipping up my own meals at home. I now have a calorie reference for recipes. I can make family favorites and maintain my weight. The organization also has a pocket-size reference book to carry in your purse if you can’t get to a computer.

If Calorie King doesn't have the information you're seeking then try the restaurant's website. Many of my favorite sites have nutritional information listed. I also research via the web if the restaurant doesn't have information. Many people, organizations, blogs etc. have taken it upon themselves to get the calorie counts and are nice enough to share them with readers. Just by doing a little research, typing in your restaurant name, and adding the words nutritional information or calorie counts you will most likely discover what you’re looking for. However, it will be a relief once other restaurants follow suit and calories are listed on their menus.

Having these tools helped keep me on track and are useful in losing weight as well. Kudos to Panera Bread for helping me watch my weight.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Taking Action

The Commercial

Do you remember the commercial? The one where a group of high school senior girls are primping their hair in the mirror and at the opposite end a sink is filling up with running water? Everyone keeps looking at the sink, the running water, at each other and this goes on for a few seconds. All of a sudden another girl emerges from the bathroom stall and without hesitation walks to the sink and turns off the running water. I don’t even remember what the commercial was for but her actions left an indelible mark. It only took one person to make a change, to take action. By taking action she would affect her life and countless others.

Where Do You Start?

I’ll bet there was a moment before you decided to lose weight or keep it off for good that you spoke to yourself about how you were going to begin. How you were going to take action. Yes, even after the weight is gone you need a plan. You have to start somewhere. Your life will continue to evolve and everything you do will affect something you were doing and things will have to change to keep you on course. You may have to start over.

A True Story

I remember when I first took action. I was standing in my kitchen looking at vacation photos reveling over the fun we had just experienced. Rather than being happy I was overcome by sadness. I looked at a close-up of my kids and me waiting undercover for the rain to pass over at Universal Studios. I didn’t recognize that person standing next to them. It was me of course. I was disgusted with myself for losing control of my health and weight.

At that moment by some divine intervention the person who would change my life was on Good Morning America. His name was Jorge Cruise and his plan was exactly what I was looking for. That day I never looked back and started a lifelong journey to get fit and feel healthy again. I took action that very moment. I purchased his book and that afternoon started reading what would become my new lifestyle. My friends Alyce and Grace cheered me on and gave me encouragement to keep going. I’ll never forget how important that was to the whole process. Suddenly, things began to take shape and I could see myself enjoying life again.

Never Looking Back

There are so many times I look back and realize how important it was. I made a quick decision to look forward instead of looking at the past or remaining where I was. Something was pushing me. I realized that by taking action I was progressing. Whether or not I would fail didn’t cross my mind. Like the countless other attempts I had made to lose weight this time I gave myself permission to try my best and not stress over any failures.

What's Stopping You?

Think of all the times you took action. Why were you afraid? Were you afraid of the outcome? It may be extending the proverbial olive branch to a friend or family member, deciding to finish school, to start a family, to change jobs, to introduce yourself to new people, to lend a helping hand even when you know your time has already been overextended. Something changed inside of you or someone helped give you that extra shove you needed to do what was necessary. A light bulb went off in your head. Call it what you like. You knew deep down inside a change was forthcoming and necessary. Only you could make it work. Only you could take action. We have no idea what lies ahead. It’s quick and full of surprises.

Wise Words

I think Paula Deen summed it up well on a recent Oprah episode when she talked about her hardships and how she had gotten to where she is today. “There’s no sin in failing, there’s only sin in never trying.” Taking Action is trying and knowing that you made that effort. So, which person are you? Will you watch the running water? Or will you emerge and turn the faucet off? How will you take action today?

A quick note to my readers:
I am working on adding a podcast to my site.  Soon I will be able to personally share my stories, tips and tricks.  If I'm not blogging as often I am in deep thought updating my site.  Thanks for your patience and for visiting.  Please subscribe so you can get the latest blogs sent to your e-mail.  Feel free to post questions and comments.  I love hearing from you.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Part 3: Healthy Earth Day -- Green With Veggie

We may not be envious of our green friends but if you feed your body green vegetables it will give back ten-fold. I always incorporate delicious recipes into my diet that include avocadoes, asparagus, cucumbers, spinach and more. Don’t let the green color fool you. It may not be the most colorful of produce but it packs a punch in nutrients and healthy vitamins to get you through the day. This color group includes some of the most nutrient dense and the highest antioxidant content among produce.

Here are 5 Favorites to get you started:


A leafless member of the lily family this vegetable is an excellent source of vitamins K, C and A. The juice is effective for cleaning muscle tissues and produces anti-inflammatory effects that are beneficial in arthritis and rheumatism. Asparagus is also a helpful veggie for diabetic patients and helps control blood sugar levels.


Avocadoes are one of the most nutritious fruits. It’s famous for cholesterol lowering benefits, omega nine, twice the potassium of the banana, dietary fiber, vitamins E, K and B6 as well as 25 essential vitamins and minerals.


A great source of vitamin C the cucumber is packed with molebdenum a mineral that reduces the symptoms of allergy and helps prevent anemia by enabling the body to use iron. The cucumber contains A, D, and E and as a watermelon relative contains vitamin K for bone formation.


This veggie contains the highest antioxidant level per serving among fruits and vegetables. This means that it’s the top fighter in the combat against free radicals that are responsible for medical conditions including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, mental capacity and aging. Kale also contains vitamin A that promotes lung health and those who eat vitamin A rich foods have been less likely to develop skin cancer. This veggie also has Folate and decreases the risk for Alzheimer’s, depression and other forms of mental fatigue.


This fruit contains good sources of vitamin C, copper, magnesium, vitamin E and manganese.

By going green with your veggies you are not only celebrating Earth Day you are celebrating your health. Take this one step further and go organic where produce like this is grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation. I know I incorporate organic whenever I can. It is a process.

Enjoy Meatless Meals and you’ll be contributing to our Earth as well. Grow your own garden or shop at local farmers markets in your area. Local Harvest is a great site that will help you find these markets in your community.

Buy products that help you store your veggies and save the environment. A great resource is Washable Produce Bags.

Having a party this year? Hand out matchstick gardens as party favors to get everyone to participate. Wedding Things sells cute little matchbooks that contain sticks you take home and throw in the soil. Soon you’ll have your own garden patch of herbs and vegetables.

Whatever you do, go green with veggies and you’ll be making a small but healthy difference to your body and our planet.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fitness Goes Green!

Turn off, unplug and get outdoors. Going Green and getting fit go hand in hand. Ideas are plentiful if you choose to try and help the environment by changing up your daily fitness routines. By starting with a pair of good tennis shoes, some organic clothing and a reusable water bottle you will be contributing to Earth Day efforts.

Here is a top 10 list to get you started:

1. Ride your bike to the store or if you can to work.
2. Head to your local park and ask for a map of hiking trails. Exercising outside releases the stress of the day. Trees, birds, and ponds add to the enjoyment.
3. Participate in Earth Day activities. This week my daughter and I are helping clean the roads in our area. A walk and volunteering in our community are great mood boosters and fun.
4. Workout at your playground. Running around with your kids, playing basketball, soccer, and doing some chin-ups are great ways to conserve energy in the home or at the gym.
5. If you can’t workout outside then use dumbbells, kettle bells, jump ropes, hoola hoops, rowing machines and spin bikes that don’t use energy.
6. When you’ve worn out your clothes, recycle them. Patagonia, for instance, has a program that allows you to recycle old workout clothes and turn them into new ones. Nike takes old tennis shoes and builds basketball courts, running tracks and playgrounds.
7. Share your exercise equipment. If you have videos or dumbbells etc. take turns using them with your neighbors. You might even make a day or two to work out together to utilize the equipment so both of you won’t need to purchase these items.
8. Make your own energy bars and save on the packaging that’s needed to display them in the stores. Recipes are all over the internet and ingredients are usually things you already have on hand at home.
9. Get out the volleyball net and have a backyard game night with family and friends.
10. Start your own garden or plant some beautiful flowers. All that weeding, watering and planting is great exercise.

And, believe it or not there is an eco-friendly gym. The gym is powered by the people who use it and so much more. The gym is in Portland, Oregon. Check out this video.

Here’s a great energy bar recipe to get you started:

Energy Bars- Unbaked Recipe
By: American Running Association Running and Fitnews

• 1 cup rolled oats
• 1/2 cup wheat germ
• 1/2 cup oat bran
• 1/2 cup vanilla protein powder
• 1 cup crunchy peanut butter
• 1 cup raisins or dried fruit and chopped
• 1 cup chocolate chips
• 1 cup light Karo syrup
Mix it all well. Freeze in bar shapes.

Go Green! Go Fitness!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Go Green! At Home Spa Treatments for a Greener Healthier You - A 3-Part Series for Earth Day

While others are celebrating Earth Day, this week I’m making a conscious effort to look at going green for a healthier lifestyle. Changing the way we look at our homes and how we live in them is important. I’m a firm believer that our environment is conducive to a healthy body and mind. For instance my stress level is up when I look at the clutter that can pile up during one week in my kitchen. I’m relieved to organize, get rid of or donate anything I feel is getting in the way of leading a pressured life. However, going green with the way we treat our bodies rather than our home is another surefire way to help planet earth. This week I’ll be sharing some of my favorite green ideas in produce, fitness and for pampering your body.

Let’s talk pampering. I like this first because we tend to put this to the wayside when we are thinking health. There are so many ways we can nourish our bodies. Using things right from our produce aisles at the local fruit market or grocery store helps save the environment and our pocket book.

I remember doing some of these eco-friendly things as a teenager when I received my first health book called Marie Osmond’s Guide to Beauty, Health & Style from my mom. Yes, I know this probably dates me but it was this book that started me thinking about healthier possibilities and ways to achieve them using what I had at home.

I was starting to look at ways to save some money as a teen and the book talked exercise, eating healthy and homemade facials. As any teenager knows funds are always low and these things are great to use in place of the more expensive products. Nowadays we’re all pinching pennies and homemade everything is in again.

I’ve taken these recipes from some favorite sites. I also love the idea of having a spa party at home using some great plans I found on an eco-friendly spa day party site. Try some of these and let me know what you think. Have a party and celebrate Earth Day a little differently than you did last year.

Vegetable Toner
Adapted from Natural Beauty by Aldo Facetti:

1 cup chopped cucumber flesh
1 cup lettuce leaves
4 tablespoons lemon juice
1 cup chopped tomato

Put ingredients through a juicer, or puree in a blender and strain. Press solids to extract all liquids. Toner will keep for a few days in the refrigerator, but for maximum effectiveness, use immediately.

Blueberry Facial Masque

¼ cup local organic blueberries (these provide the most antioxidant power as they were just picked)
1 tbsp raw organic honey
1 tbsp organic olive oil


1. Add all the ingredients to a blender and blend well.
2. Evenly apply all over the face, leaving room around the eyes and mouth.
3. Leave the masque on for 5 minutes allowing it to fully sink in hydrating and nourishing the skin.
4. Remove the masque with a damp cloth.

Aloe and Cucumber Mask

1 large aloe plant leaf, washed and chopped, or 1 cup aloe juice
1 cup chopped cucumber

Combine the aloe leaf (or aloe juice) and cucumber. Puree in a blender. Apply the mixture to a clean face and neck and leave on 30 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

From The Ciminelli Solution: Recipes for Beauty from the Inside Out by Susan Ciminelli (2006, Collins)

Peach Lotion (for dry or normal skin)
This recipe is courtesy of Jeanne Rose "Herbs & Things"

• 1 Peach
• 4 drops tincture of Benzoin (known to be STRONG sensitizer)
• 2 oz. coconut or sweet almond oil
• 1 1/2 oz. orange flower water and 1 or 2 drops orange oil

Wash, drain, mash, and then strain the juice from 1 peach through muslin or cheesecloth. Add to it 4 drops of tincture of benzoin, 2 oz. coconut or sweet almond oil, 1 1/2 oz. orange flower water and 1 or 2 drops orange oil. Beat together until it is fluffy and pour into a clean 4 oz container. It will keep for a longer period if you store it in the refrigerator. Use the lotion to moisturize your skin whenever it feels dry.

How to whiten your teeth with strawberries:

You need 1 strawberry and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda.
From Health.Com:

Crush the strawberry to a pulp, then mix with the baking soda until blended. Use a soft toothbrush to spread the mixture onto your teeth. Leave on for 5 minutes, then brush thoroughly with toothpaste to remove the berry–baking soda mix. Rinse. (A little floss will help get rid of any strawberry seeds.) Carrel says you can apply once a week.

Other Things That Might Interest You:

Homemade Beauty Recipes

The Beauty Cookbook: 200 Recipes To Make Your Kitchen Your Spa

Monday, April 19, 2010

Lessons In A Garden

My mother-in-law had surgery today, 86 years old and a bad hip put her in the hospital. Her one and only joy, tending to her garden was suddenly taken away from her because she could no longer walk or bend down to pull a tiny weed. For most of us that weed and keeping up our own flower patch would be a hindrance, an obstacle in our way, a chore. To her the beauty of pulling that weed was the thrill of removing an obstacle so that her plants and flowers could flourish. Watching something grow from an excessive amount of time watering and pulling and cutting and fertilizing was a reward in the end and something she took pride in. She had earned her title as the lady with a green thumb.

As we sat in the hospital waiting room worrying about what might go wrong my mother-in-law was probably thinking about all the possibilities a new hip would afford her. All the new memories she would be able to cultivate in her own backyard. The sun on her face, dirt in her hands, and feeling the grass under her feet meant more to her than the risk of going under the knife. Her life was a metaphor and can be a lesson for those of us struggling to maintain or lose our weight.

We may not be cultivating a backyard or a garden but we our tending to our own health. We are eating right and spending excessive amounts of time on this because we know that it will help us to grow inside and out.

The exercise we incorporate will build strength and endurance so we can enjoy bending over not necessarily to pull a weed but perhaps to pick up a child or pull a wagon.

We look at the possibilities because if we forget them we won’t be able to see the beauty. Our lives renewed.

Take time to remember how you’ve grown, how important it is that you keep tending to your healthy lifestyle. Don’t look at obstacles in your way as a hindrance but rather take joy in removing them so that you can sit back, take pride in what you are doing, see the beauty in yourself and watch yourself grow.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Give Yourself Permission To Goof Off!

The other day as I sat playing with my Facebook page I got a message from a dear friend who works extremely hard. “Today I'm goofing off,” she said. What struck me is what a wonderful feeling that is, to just goof off. Of course by playing with our Facebook page we came to the conclusion we were doing just that and laughed. By the way, laughing decreases your age by almost 8 years if you make the effort to do it each day.

It’s important that we goof off as much as we consciously can in our lives. As a dieter or one who’s constantly trying to maintain her weight, feeling good rather than always feeling full is a relief. That’s why I suggest you try relaxing during this long process and embrace life and just have fun.

You’ve heard the saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Well, it’s the truth. I’ve done it. The heart starts to race, the stress level goes up, you can’t sleep as well, and you forget to appreciate the little things. You're just one big ball of nerves.  People start to dislike being around you and life has little meaning.

Here are 5 reasons to goof off today:

1. Less stress

2. Smaller waistline

3. Lowered Blood Pressure

4. Boosts your productivity level at work and home.

5. Helps you regain your energy level so you’re physically able to do more enjoyable things.

Now, if that’s not enough reasons to give you permission to goof off, I don’t know what is.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Cranberry Almond Anytime Bar

I love Egg Beaters!  So many great recipes and healthy too.  Have you tried their egg whites yet?  I love the fact I don't have to crack an egg and make a mess in the morning anymore.  Their egg whites are just as delicious as the regular egg beaters.  I love the veggie versions as well.  I add them to quiches etc. 

This recipe is so good because it uses whole wheat flour and cranberries and almonds.  All the wonderful things I love. 

The only change I make in this recipe is using Truvia instead of sugar.  It lowers the sugar grams substantially since I am watching how much sugar I put in my diet now. 

You can see the Truvia Conversion Chart below for all your baking needs and the recipe for these awesome bars.  Great for on the go or for taking to a potluck breakfast or brunch. 

Hands On: 10 minutes
Total Time: 35 minutes
Makes 16 servings (1 piece each)


PAM® Original No-Stick Cooking Spray
1 cup Eagle Mills® Ultragrain® White Whole Wheat Flour
1 cup quick-cooking rolled oats
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 cup Fleischmann's® Original-stick, softened
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
3/4 cup Egg Beaters® Original
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup dried cranberries
1/2 cup slivered almonds


Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray 13x9-inch glass baking dish with cooking spray; set aside. Combine flour, oats and baking powder in small bowl; set aside.

Cream Fleischmann's and brown sugar in medium bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until blended. Slowly add Egg Beaters and vanilla; mix until well blended.

Gradually add flour mixture; mix just until combined. Stir in cranberries and almonds.

Spread mixture in baking dish. Bake 20 minutes or until wooden pick inserted near center comes out clean. Cool slightly. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Cook's Tips

For a more nutty flavor, toast almonds in 350°F oven on ungreased baking sheet 8 to 10 minutes or until light brown.Store bars up to one week in an airtight container.Ultragrain® is an all-natural white whole wheat flour that has a lighter color, milder whole wheat flavor and finer texture than regular whole wheat flour. And, it has all the nutritional benefits of 100% whole wheat flour.

Nutrition Facts

Amount per Serving

% Daily Value*

Total fat 11%           7 g
Saturated fat 6%      1 g
Cholestero l0%        0 MG
Sodium 6%              140 MG
Carbohydrate  8%    23 g
Dietary fiber  9%      2 g
Sugars   1%             12 g
Protein   7%             4 g
Vitamin  A   8%
Vitamin  C   0%
Calcium       6%
Iron             6%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie dietAbout Our Nutrition Information


Sugar                  Truvia™ Natural Sweetener

1 tsp                      3/8 tsp                     1/2 packet            1.75 g

2 tsp                      3/4 tsp                     1 packet               3.5 g

1 tbsp                    1 1/4 tsp                  1 1/2 packets       5.25 g

1/4 cup                  1 tbsp + 2 tsp          6 packets             21 g

1/3 cup                  2 tbsp + 1/2 tsp       8 packets             28 g

1/2 cup                  3 tbsp + 3/4 tsp       12 packets           42 g

1 cup                     1/3 c + 1 tbsp          24 packets           84 g




Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pedaling for A Purpose: Healthy Strategies for the Novice Bike Rider

I love to ride my bike. I have loved bike riding since I could get out on my own as a child and ride through my tiny neighborhood in Warren, Michigan. I remember sprucing it up with lights, orange flags, wicker baskets with flowers on them and a transistor radio. My bike took me to my friend’s house, to the corner 7-11 and to the park. It took me down dirt trails when my parents took us camping and it gave me some of the happiest memories.

Now, as an adult it's an inexpensive way to enjoy the company of my husband who works long hours during the week. It’s our date night on a Sunday afternoon and something we have in common after 22 years of marriage. It fills many purposes. It provides a healthy alternative to all the aerobics and strength training I do indoors and it decreases the stress in our lives. It’s fun, relaxing, and adventurous.

Now that the warmer weather is here I'm anxious to get started again. We are not entered in any bike races or marathons. We are the novice bike rider who enjoys the winding bike paths, the wide open areas filled with trees and streams, and the occasional wildlife sighting. Our last trip was to Traverse City, Michigan where we found several trails that led us to quaint towns and wineries, tiny lakes filled with sail boats and places to stop for a quick bite to eat and a hot steaming cup of coffee to get us going again. We watched wild turkeys cross our path and raccoons run into the brush.

Our purpose this spring is to join other novice bike riders and experienced cyclists on a bike tour in Frankenmuth, Michigan. The local Optimist Club holds a 15, 25, and 50 mile bike tour through the back roads of this little German town called “Michigan’s Little Bavaria”. The routes wind out of the village, along the Cass River, and across the lush farmlands of the Saginaw Valley. We are taking on the 15 mile tour with my brother and sister-in-law. They call it Fahrrad or Bicycle in German (pronounced Fa – Rod with a little roll in the “r”). The tour is held every May and cyclists range in age from tiny tots being pulled by their parents to 80 or 90 year olds who return every year. It’s exciting having something as simple as bike riding in common and the proceeds help their local club.

Before you start out on your own bike tour or for a ride in your neck of the woods take heed of these tips:

1. Wear a helmet

2. Take a water bottle and maybe a small snack for longer journeys.

3. Buy a portable pump and repair kit in case of a flat.

4. A Gel padded seat is a nice investment for longer rides.

5. Wear comfortable shoes and clothes. I wear good fitting tennis shoes and workout shorts with a t-shirt. I usually bring a sweatshirt in case the temperature drops. I also bring my sun glasses.

6. A nice rack for the back of the bike and a cycling bag is great for carrying essentials on longer trips. I usually put my water, snack, sweatshirt, some Kleenex, aspirin, allergy medicine, money for stops along the way etc. Just in case.

7. Make sure you have a bike in working order. Take it to a local shop to fine tune anything you may not be sure of. I have a mountain bike and it works fine for what I’m doing. The more experienced you get the better bike you will need.

8. A mirror that attaches to the handlebars is also a nice idea.  The mirror helps to see traffic.

These are just the basics. As you progress and get more involved with cycling you’ll want to research more ideas or head to your nearest bike shop for more information and advice. There are guides for braking, safety, gears and shifting at

Pedal for your health, pedal for fun, and enjoy your path to wellness.

Also see:

Monday, April 12, 2010

Calorie Counter

Use this calorie finder for the foods you are eating each day.  Type in an item and the calories and other pertinent information pops up.  I love this for counting my calories each day. 

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Today is my birthday. For me my birthday is the start of a new year. When others are worrying about making resolutions on December 31st and contemplating starting over, I wait for my new year. The New Year starts the day I was born. Today I am celebrating my past year’s accomplishments. I celebrate the big things and the small. My birthday is the day that I reflect and move forward.

Isn’t it nice to know that you can have your own year? It’s time for me to look at my commitments and see if I’ve kept them or if I have to tweak some of the rough edges. I like that we have the chance to start over.

This year I’m excited to share my blogs. I’m excited that I even started blogging. I’ve met new friends tweeting and working with face book. I didn’t let my fears of the social media blitz prevail. I’ve met new friends this year in unexpected places and I’ve taken on volunteer work that is the highlight of my week. I’ve made commitments to continue what I love doing most every day. Enjoying my family, spending time with friends or learning new and exciting things and staying on track with my health have been important things to me. I’ve learned to let go of the past and look forward to my future. I’m doing the one thing I thought was lost, I’m writing again.

I’ve learned to relax more and have fun. I’ve stopped to listen more to other’s advice especially from the younger people I know. I have learned to embrace whatever new day brings. I celebrate each little moment I feel has made an impact in my life, my health, my relationships, my accomplishments.

So many times we get caught up in counting calories, studying our food choices, worrying about what others think that we forget to just be. Birthdays are for being. Friends wish us well, our families celebrate with us and we feel renewed. We thoroughly enjoy the presents and our presence in this world.

No matter what your New Year brings always celebrate where you’ve been and what’s to come. That’s what Birthday’s and New Years are all about for me. Someone once said, “Dance, Live, Love”. I don’t know if they realize how wise that is, how quickly we can forget and how pertinent it is to our new beginning.

Find your passions, say no to things that take you away from doing what you love, look back on your year with a smile and be excited about what lies ahead.


Friday, April 9, 2010

think Thin!

Have you tried them?  These bars pack a punch in taste, variety and nutrition.

I was a bit skeptical at first that anything without sugar and packed with vitamins could taste this good.  I have been trying to eliminate sugar in my diet and although it's a tough process I have been lowering the intake and finding that I feel much better because of it.

These bars were first introduced to me from a good friend Jorge Cruise who just came out with his latest book "The Belly Fat Cure", another great read that can be purchased at (see my Amazon search button to the left to find Jorge's book and read excerpts or purchase).


Yesterday, as I stumbled upon these bars I decided to give them a try. These bars have 0g Sugar, 20g Protein, are Gluten Free, Fortified with 17 Essential Vitamins and Minerals, have No Cholesterol, and No Trans Fat.  The bars are great for those with celiac disease and diabetes. The bars are rated one of the top protein bars in the natural industry.

The bars come in Brownie Crunch (my favorite), Chocolate Fudge, Chocolate Mudslide, Chunky Peanut Butter, Creamy Peanut Butter (another favorite), Dark Chocolate Flavor, White Chocolate Chip and a Variety Pack.  They also carry thinkThin dessert bars and are coming out with thinkThin bites that are 100 calorie bars for those of us who are watching calories.

Immediately after eating one of these bars I felt completely full and satisfied. Satisfying my hunger is a big thing to me as well as nutrition.  So many of the protein bars I was choosing to eat were so full of sugar I felt  hungry only a short time later. This is a great way to give me some pick-me-up in the afternoon.

The great thing about this company is how they came to be and the causes they have donated money to. 

Someone very close to the founder of thinkThin, Lizanne Falsetto, was diagnosed with cancer. 
Investigating all the nutritional options available before deciding on chemotherapy or major surgery led to a strictly vegan diet, high in protein from soy and tofu sources.  Her friends diet was supplemented with green foods and later they introduced salmon. Her friends protein and vegetable portions were also carefully controlled.

Eleven months later, with change in diet and monitoring by his physicians, he was getting better.  He was cancer free!  10 years later he's still healthy and energetic. Proof that a healthier diet and monitoring one's health with a physician can be lifesaving. Falsetto's experience with her friend led her on a journey to wellness and has shaped her personal mission -- "Prevention is the Cure." Her bars are part of this mission.

More information on the thinkThin story along with all of their products can be found at their thinkThin website.  Their many philanthropic efforts include helping such causes as the Autism Research Institute in San Diego, California and Susan G. Komen for the Cure, among a whole list of others.

Ordering thinkThin bars is made easy at which you can find in the side panel to the left of my blog.

Don't forget to check out Lizanne's weekly blog "Deliciousy Simple" for more wellness and healthy eating tips. 

Thursday, April 8, 2010

ExerciseTV Workout Types

When I saw these exercise routines I had to share.  Mixing up your exercise regime and adding a little fun is key to staying on track and enjoying yourself.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

3 Things To Ask Before You Reach

Ahhh! , to be a kid again. No worrying about the choices we make because we are still learning right from wrong and we have a little wiggle room. To be able to open up our mom’s pantry or fridge and choose from a plethora of goodies she always seemed to have around.

I think that’s what got me in trouble in the first place but now that I’m an adult I have the power to say no and think about my decisions.

Yesterday was a rough day for me. It has been rainy in Michigan, gray skies and not being able to get outside for my walks is wearing me down. I haven’t been able to adjust to the fact that my kids are about to either move out or get busier with new jobs and college. My husband works awful hours and I am continuously doing mundane chores.

My daughter had a day of studying and decided to tantalize me with brownies in the oven and my husband seeing my sluggishness (how dare he) offered to go and get me some chocolate, the bad kind. I knew if I gave into the sabotage I’d hate myself even more in the morning. I’m still not feeling great today but I’m at least conscious of my moodiness and weaknesses at the moment. No one is in the house and the brownies are sitting on the counter calling me.

It’s never easy. You’re hungry but you don’t know for what. Everything looks better than an apple at the moment and your fridge and pantry is the picture of the good, the bad, and the ugly. What does one do?

Here are 3 questions to ask yourself before you reach:

1. Am I hungry? Really! Is it thirst, boredom, tiredness? I give myself a few minutes to decide.

2. Is what I’m about to reach for even remotely healthy? You do have choices other than an apple and deciding what you’re craving can be the key. Chocolate, how about some tea and a piece or two of dark chocolate, a chocolate pudding cup. Salty, how about an ounce of chips not a whole bag, a couple of pickles. Grab something that will fill your craving and still watch your portions.

3. What’s my backup plan? I know if I start eating a certain kind of cookie I’m not going to stop at two. Having a plan like buying a smaller portion size at a convenience store might do the trick so I don’t have an entire bag in my house. Maybe I’ll exercise a few minutes more or take pleasure in something else besides the food if dinner is my next meal. Sometimes a bigger meal is on its way and I can keep busy until it’s time.

If you ask yourself these questions it may help you make wiser choices. You’ll do it. You’ll get through another day of tantalizing decisions with your food. Today is my day to remind myself to do just that.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010



I think I was 13 when I started my first diet.  I went for a check-up before I started Junior High and the doctor told me that I should start thinking about losing some weight before High School creeped up on me.  In High School there was swimming class and I knew what that meant.  Bathing suit. 

I spent my entire summer eating salads and passing up sweets.  I walked and biked with my friends and felt totally deprived.  I was definitely chubby, I have photos to prove it. 

 High School did arrive and I was forced to take swimming class. Was I thin enough? What were people thinking of me? The focus on my looks and weight shifted once I started to swim. I was a terrible swimmer and had to stay longer to learn everything all over again since I couldn't swim the width of the pool under water.  No one in my family was a good swimmer so some of the fears that resurfaced came from reactions passed down to me about drowning and how cautious I needed to be around the pool we had.

The gym teacher wouldn't hear of me not passing.  He was tough and wasn't about to give up on my efforts.  I had little confidence that I could do what he was proposing.  Not only was I now conscious of myself in a swimsuit I now had to be conscious of passing my test under water in front of all my peers.  High School can be rough.

The point is, I did face my fear, passed the class and a feeling of elation came over me.  I was so excited that I had passed the class I forgot about the swimsuit issue.  I had also found a new friend who wanted to see me succeed.  She was an awesome swimmer and cheered me on.

There are so many facets to facing our fears. They can be friends pushing us along, our own power to keep going everyday, a gym teacher who has faith in our abilities.

Fears come in all shapes and sizes.  From swimming under water to worrying if I'll always fit into my skinny jeans.  Will I always be able to keep my new lifestyle?  Will I make it through another day eating the foods I eat?  Facing them is the easiest way through.  It may not seem like it at first.  You may fail a few times or make mistakes but when you do make it the feeling is unbelievable.

I've been dieting since I was 13.  After trying so many times my fear was that I wasn't going to ever be thin or healthy in my lifetime.  My fear was where to begin and how much time I was going to have to put into it.  My fear was what others would think of me if I failed.

 It wasn't until I was 39 years old that I found what was right,  faced my fears and learned how to actually lose my weight and keep it off.  I pulled from my memory that fateful day at the swimming pool and remembered how I had changed that day and how I had gotten through that fear of swimming under water.
If I could get over that fear maybe other fears could disappear as well.


Monday, April 5, 2010

Shake Things Up!

Changing a regular routine can be tough. We’re used to getting up at a certain time of day, we take the same route to work, and we pack the same lunch because it’s easier.

Routine or mundane tasks can bring you down after awhile. Constantly running and rushing gives us little time to think about what we could do to Shake Things Up and bring a little spice and variety back into our lives. When you’ve been maintaining your weight as long as I have things start to become so routine life starts to look a little dull.

Our moods and attitudes during the day and weeks ahead have a lot to do with how we overcome our resistance to change in diet and exercise. Avoiding intensity narrows our focus. So how do we do it? How do we shake things up and add a little intensity to our lives? Here are 20 examples to help you find your enthusiasm again.

1. Take a different route to work or on your way home.

2. Look into a new exercise routine. I just heard Jazzercise is back, new and improved.  Try this Jazzercise Class Locator for a class near you.

3. Wear bright colors.

4. Buy a bouquet of flowers for yourself. Brightening up a room brightens up a day.

5. After work get a manicure, pedicure, massage.

6. Jump in the puddles after a rainfall.

7. Volunteer

8. Start writing that novel you’ve been putting off writing.

9. Take a trip to a farmers market and pick out something you haven’t tried in the fruit section. Star Fruit anyone?

10. Introduce yourself to someone you see every day in your local coffee shop. It’s surprising what we learn about people and other cultures.

11. Take up an instrument or a new language.

12. Join a team or club. Start a volleyball or kickball team (remember kickball?). Create a walking or bike club.

13. Take an art class. Doodle like a kid again. You don’t have to be an artist to enjoy what these things have to offer.

14. Join a Toastmasters Club and face your fears of speaking in public.

15. Invite your friends over for a healthy gourmet meal where you each bring an ingredient.

16. Enjoy dinner in a park. You don’t have to wait for the weekend.

17. Call your friends for a night out during the week. A cup of coffee, a movie, a restaurant.

18. Text your significant other a compliment and keep it going all day.

19. Turn the music up and dance in the middle of your living room.

20. Head to a local karaoke bar and sing!

It’s a new day. You get the picture. How will you ever know if things can change unless you try? A little boost can help you move forward and into a new phase. A little adventure never hurts. There’s something about being a little silly, playing hop scotch, flying a kite and doing something out of the ordinary in the middle of your week. These things can rejuvenate you and help you appreciate everything life has to offer.


Don't forget to follow me on my blog or subscribe to my e-mails so you'll be notified of new blog posts as they become available. You can also find me on twitter and facebook.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

5 Healthful Hints To Get Through This Easter Holiday

I'm not going to sugar coat anything when it comes to the holidays (although it seems appropriate to sugar coat everything since it's Easter). Any holiday is stressful, crazy, busy, and packed with fat laden foods we try to avoid all week long. How you approach this Easter holiday will be a test of your will power, perseverance, and how much you've learned over the years about trying to eat right and stay healthy. Even if you are just starting out take into consideration that if you do one right thing this holiday that's a big plus! I have had to train myself over the years on how to approach celebrations. There are so many of them. Having some control will cause less guilt.

Don't be nervous. Stop hyperventilating. For me, looking at any holiday is all in the planning and preparation. I have to tell myself that even if I fall off the bandwagon for one day that's all it is, ONE day. It's not a monthlong celebration or a weeklong vacation from my new eating habits, it's one day to relax and enjoy. How you enjoy it is up to you and tomorrow it's important to note that you get right back on track.

Look at holidays differently than you have in the past. When I was overweight it was all about the food. Now it's all about a new outfit, pampering myself a little that morning, playing with my niece and nephew, having a great conversation with my relatives, playing games with the family, taking a walk or reminiscing over family photos. The key is distraction and not sabotaging yourself or justifying that a holiday is the time to forget everything you've learned.

Take time to rest, stop rushing. Don't beat yourself up if you slip. The more prepared you are, the more you plan the night before, the more in control you can be.

Here are 5 Things to Help You Jumpstart Your Healthy Holiday

1. Keep your same routine throughout the day until the big event. Exercise even if it's only for 20 minutes. Take a walk outside, do some cardio or lift weights.

2. Don't skip meals all day and expect to head over to your Aunt's house and be in control. I can't tell you how many times I hear someone say "I haven't eaten all day" and then they graze all afternoon and evening without a clue how much food they're actually consuming. That pie you're eating is still the same calories today as it was yesterday. More likely at this point you're piling your plate with potatoes and a side loaf of bread. This comes to tip number 3.

3. Eat something before you arrive at your destination or if you are hosting. Have a cup of soup, an apple and cheese, or this time of year a hardboiled egg is excellent! Eggs put 6 grams of high quality protein in both the yolk and white. The yolk is a nice source of zinc, B vitamins, selenium, iron and other nutrients. Feeling full beforehand will help you arrive less famished.

4. When your event begins scope out the buffet or foods that are offered. Keep your plate simple and filled with veggies. I start with a big salad, gravitate towards the vegetables to fill half my plate as long as it's not full of sauces and butter, and then I remember to get my deck of card size protein, and one carbohydrate. Yes, there are usually about three or four different carbohydrates on our dinner table but I choose the one I haven't had in a great while, remember my portions, and savor it. Bring something to the table that is healthy like a veggie tray or fruit and fat free topping. There are a ton of recipes online.

5. Last, but not least. Enjoy a little dessert. Sometimes I take a couple of bites and stop but more than likely I'll allow myself one great dessert. Of course there are so many to choose from considering I'm of Polish and German descent. However, I watch my portion size, choose something I know I'll love, have a great cup of tea or decaf coffee and remember that tomorrow I'll be exercising again.

Don't let your family sabotage your efforts. If your mom insists you eat her famous chocolate cake, tell her you will take a slice home or eat two bites and push it aside. Be adamant about your maintenance efforts or watching your calories. Stick with a goal or two today, you'll be much happier for it.

All of this takes time and practice and you will make mistakes. Even if you take one tip into consideration you'll be on the right road.

Happy Easter!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Eat Your Veggies! Minestrone Soup Recipe

Eat your veggies.  I remember my mom telling me to do this.  Fortunately I liked the veggies my mom made.  However, her vegetables were laden with large quantities of butter.  As I grew up that realization prompted me to try healthier versions of my mom's favorites. 

This recipe gets all my vegetables in and makes a great meal or a lunch to pack for my husband.  I make a batch of this soup that I got from my Nutrition Action Healthletter many years ago.  This recipe makes a lot so I freeze some of it for later in the week.  It makes a great lunch if you're at work too. 

Soup is definitely a comfort food for me, inexpensive to make, filling, healthy and convenient.  So, eat your veggies!

Minestrone Soup

1 Tbs. olive oil

1 onion, diced

5 garlic cloves, chopped

1 carrot chopped

2 zucchini chopped

1 summer squash, chopped

1 tomato, chopped

1 14-oz. can diced tomatoes

2 tsp. dried oregano

½ tsp. black pepper

2-1/2 cups lower sodium vegetable broth

1-1/2 cups water

1 16-oz. can red kidney beans, drained and rinsed

1 15-oz. can Great Northern or other white beans drained and rinsed

½ cup elbow macaroni

12 Tbs. grated Parmesan cheese

Heat the oil in a large stockpot over medium-high heat. Add the onion and garlic and sauté for 2 minutes. Stir in the carrot, zucchini, squash, and chopped tomato and cook for 5 minutes. Add the canned tomatoes, oregano, pepper, broth, and water. Bring to a boil and cover. Reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes.

Add the beans and macaroni to the soup. Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes uncovered or until the pasta is tender, stirring occasionally. Top with Parmesan cheese before serving. Makes 12 servings.


Calories: 140                           Cholesterol: 5mg

Total Fat: 2g                            Carbohydrates:24g
Sat. Fat:1g/Trans Fat:0g           Protein:8g

Fiber: 6g                                  Sodium: 280mg                               

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fill Your Heart Before You Fill Your Plate

Confidence doesn't have to radiate after weight loss.  In fact the confidence you give yourself now will be the energy that guides you to your destination.  Changing your lifestyle in all its aspects is what will bring you to your goal or help you maintain what you have worked so hard to achieve.

If you start by filling your heart you will find you're less likely looking for things to fill your plate, literally.  I have found when I donate time in my community my heart feels ten times better than after I've had an hour long workout or I have eaten that last piece of cake.   Being healthier is just an added bonus because now I can go the distance and not feel so tired when the day is done. 

 It saddens me a little when I think that people believe that when they lose their weight confidence will come back and allow them more opportunities.  I had to face the fact that no matter how much I lost, I was still the same person inside.  Don't wait for weight loss to make life happen. Happiness isn't a number.

Some time ago I chose to help in some capacity.  Finding balance in all of this is crucial.  Of course when you're busy and have a family that keeps you running it can get tough to offer more of yourself to the world.  However, don't think that you have to donate too much of your time.  Pick simple things that will fill your heart.
 For instance:

1.  Donate some time to your child's school.  It doesn't have to be every week.

2.  I am a person who likes to help clean the roads in our area, help with fundraisers, and deliver meals on wheels. I have more time since my children are in college. 

3.  Pay for the next person in line at your coffee shop.  Remember "Pay It Forward"?

4.  Call a friend to see how they are doing.

5.  Send a card to someone in the military.

6.  Do you have a favorite hobby?   Make something and take it to a local hospital to pass out during Mother's Day, Father's Day etc.

7. Love to Bake?  Bake something wonderful (and healthy) and deliver to a neighbor that works really hard, just because.

8.  Let the people in your community know how important they are to you.  Send a note of thanks.

9. Cuddle with your pets, compliment people.

10.  Make more time for your kids or your husband/wife.

Let others inspire the confidence in you.  Sometimes we need a little boost to our moral and the right people to motivate us to get up and out of our routine and doldrums.

 My friend Laurie is an inspiration.  I have many friends that inspire me but Laurie is proactive.  She gets everyone doing.  Her love of life brings joy to me whenever she's around. Her group,  "The Stargazers" gave my teenage daughter and me an outlet where we could share our love for volunteering and being together at the same time.

Mitch Albom, I'm a big fan and recently had the privilege of meeting him at a book signing.  His book "Have A Little Faith" raised money for a local church and their roof.  People who use their talents to help others will motivate me.

You get the idea.  Do something anonymous, do something that makes you feel confident inside. Help others, and do something other than worry about numbers on a scale or how much exercise you did today. You'll find if you let yourself go a little and you stay true to yourself the rest will follow.
You'll be healthy inside and out.

Looking for more ideas?  Here is a great website that I love to go to when I need inspiration.

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