Saturday, March 27, 2010

5 Things I've Learned From Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Have you seen Jamie Oliver's Food  Revolution?  Kudos to Oliver for taking on such a monumental task.  To take on one of the unhealthiest cities in America and change their eating habits is quite a feat. 

I have watched some of these episodes and have learned a great deal from it already. It's a reality check for us all and what we could be doing to improve not only the way we allow our children to eat in their school but how much of an influence food has on us as individuals as well as our family's health.

Here Are 5 Things I've Learned From Jamie Oliver:

1.  That people really think what they're feeding their bodies won't effect them or their children, it effects others. That you can't change one's way of thinking and habits.  It's just too late.

2.  That the price of food is more of a concern than the price people will pay for eating unhealthy fare. Did you see them contemplating whether or not they should let Jamie continue?

3.That when we are home after work and school and shut away from the world food choices don't count.  Our habits do start at home and every child was a reflection of the parents Jamie talked to.

4.  That if we don't go to the doctor for regular check-ups our health problems don't exist. We're young, we have time.

5.  That it takes a young gentleman chef from another country to wake up a small town from a junk food induced coma. 

Wherever we are it may not be a bad idea to start our own food revolution in our own home.  Hooray! for Jamie Oliver for shaking things up, being honest and persistent.  I'm watching, learninng and on his side.

This is not just a lesson in childish behavior but in our own behavior as well.  A bit of child psychology for us all.  A subliminal message of sorts that if we look at our children we will see ourselves in their food behaviors and lifestyle choices. 

You can check out episodes online and then tell me what you think.  I'm convinced that after watching this show I plan on working hard to stay healthier than ever before. Or at least trying to do better than yesterday for myself and my family.


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