Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Favorite DVDs

Let's face it,  exercise can get pretty boring unless it is full of variety and has the word fun attached to it.  Here in Michigan the winter months can get very cold, long and rainy.  In the winter I have walked the mall, watched videos on my laptop and have even found exercises "On Demand" since our cable company offers these for free.  My favorite thing to do is search for new DVDs on several of my favorite sites.  One such site is Collage Video.  At this site you can watch portions of exercise DVDs before you purchase them.  I have a bookcase full to challenge myself, get in quick workouts and I never get bored.  I have 3 series that I absolutely can tell you work my body.

The Firm Cardio Party is Great!  I do this one at least once a week.  All of these tapes are great for beginners all the way up to the novice exercise guru.  I have step tapes, strength training tapes and dance tapes from them.  They are easy to follow and really work my body into shape. They also offer exercise equipment and tools that fit with their workouts.

I love Kathy Smith!  Her workouts definitely make me sweat and work every muscle in my body.  She is easy to follow and has such a huge library of tapes to choose from.  I have this particular DVD and use it regularly as well.  She has sound advice on all her workout DVDs and is motivating and fun.  She has been on the exercise circuit for years and looks phenomenal!  Her exuberance is contagious so I keep coming back for more.

I love Prevention Magazine for it's sound advice, and tips and tricks to staying healthy at any age.  Chris Freytag is an excellent instructor in all of the Prevention DVDs.  I have them all.  I love this one in particular because it is 3 minutes cardio, 2 minutes strength training and 1 minute abs.  You go through 6 circuits and a cool down.  For a workout that targets every part of your body and teaches you each exercise easily and efficiently these DVDs are a great addition to your library or for anyone just starting out. It also cues you on how to work harder if you choose to.

Of course these are all wonderful ways to get started exercising or to keep exercising in the privacy of your own home.  I like them because I have my own personal trainer,  I don't have to go far to get started and I feel great afterwards.  I can do them when the weather is bad or when I am in a hurry and the variety is endless.

If you want to save even more money, check out the exercise DVDs at your local library.   

There's such a huge selection to choose from wherever you go.   So, what are you waiting for?  There isn't an excuse in the world why you shouldn't find something you like to keep the excitement going or to get started on an exercise regime today.


  1. I have been using Yoga for the rest of us, it's a DVD series by Peggy Campy that helps everyone with every sort of body stretch and relax, I love doing this on days when I feel tired, it motivated me to get going. Great job on the blog, btw, I love it!

  2. Thanks Jenni,
    I'm glad to hear you are trying out new exercises and having fun doing it. Glad you like the blog.
