Wednesday, April 7, 2010

3 Things To Ask Before You Reach

Ahhh! , to be a kid again. No worrying about the choices we make because we are still learning right from wrong and we have a little wiggle room. To be able to open up our mom’s pantry or fridge and choose from a plethora of goodies she always seemed to have around.

I think that’s what got me in trouble in the first place but now that I’m an adult I have the power to say no and think about my decisions.

Yesterday was a rough day for me. It has been rainy in Michigan, gray skies and not being able to get outside for my walks is wearing me down. I haven’t been able to adjust to the fact that my kids are about to either move out or get busier with new jobs and college. My husband works awful hours and I am continuously doing mundane chores.

My daughter had a day of studying and decided to tantalize me with brownies in the oven and my husband seeing my sluggishness (how dare he) offered to go and get me some chocolate, the bad kind. I knew if I gave into the sabotage I’d hate myself even more in the morning. I’m still not feeling great today but I’m at least conscious of my moodiness and weaknesses at the moment. No one is in the house and the brownies are sitting on the counter calling me.

It’s never easy. You’re hungry but you don’t know for what. Everything looks better than an apple at the moment and your fridge and pantry is the picture of the good, the bad, and the ugly. What does one do?

Here are 3 questions to ask yourself before you reach:

1. Am I hungry? Really! Is it thirst, boredom, tiredness? I give myself a few minutes to decide.

2. Is what I’m about to reach for even remotely healthy? You do have choices other than an apple and deciding what you’re craving can be the key. Chocolate, how about some tea and a piece or two of dark chocolate, a chocolate pudding cup. Salty, how about an ounce of chips not a whole bag, a couple of pickles. Grab something that will fill your craving and still watch your portions.

3. What’s my backup plan? I know if I start eating a certain kind of cookie I’m not going to stop at two. Having a plan like buying a smaller portion size at a convenience store might do the trick so I don’t have an entire bag in my house. Maybe I’ll exercise a few minutes more or take pleasure in something else besides the food if dinner is my next meal. Sometimes a bigger meal is on its way and I can keep busy until it’s time.

If you ask yourself these questions it may help you make wiser choices. You’ll do it. You’ll get through another day of tantalizing decisions with your food. Today is my day to remind myself to do just that.

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