Monday, May 24, 2010

Summer Lovin'! Have Yourself A Blast!

The first day of summer is almost here. Warmer weather has already touched down in Michigan. I tend to soak up every last morsel of our summer since winters seem to never end. The new sun and the intense heat bring backyard barbecues, ice cream socials and endless gatherings with food, food and more food.

How do you stay on track? I remember summers as a kid and unlike children today that tend to stay indoors with video games and air conditioning my days were filled with swimming, kickball, baseball and bike rides.

Food was Kentucky Fried Chicken, Coke and ice cream from the Good Humor truck. Late night snacks consisted of frozen pizzas, chips and dip and mom’s homemade chocolate chip cookies. When I think back to those days I know that dieting wasn’t even in my vocabulary let alone a worry.

How do we get ourselves to enjoy these days without overindulging? Over the past 7 years I have learned to enjoy what each moment is meant to be enjoyed for. Backyard barbecues can be about foods in moderation, but backyard games are still in! I get a game of bocce ball going or on picnics a game of baseball or throwing a Frisbee around is still in. Walks and talks are wonderful at the park and enjoying a small cone or small single scoop of ice cream is ideal. A day at a baseball game can include a hot dog but skip the chips and having a diet soda is o.k.

Never give up on your exercise during these days. I tend to think like a kid again, biking, walking, and playing a game of basketball or catch at a park. Getting outside feels so wonderful!

Enjoying a night out and having one drink is admirable, but 5 or 6? If you’re trying to lose or maintain keeping these things in check is something you always have to strive for. Even appetizers can pack a punch. Too much is never good for the goals you’re trying to reach. As always, everything in moderation is the key.

You can enjoy your summer fun at amusement parks, vacationing, picnics, and dinners with friends, sporting events, backyard barbecues, outdoor concerts etc. Think of the real reasons you are attending these functions, it isn’t all about the food, it’s about companionship, laughter, relaxation, conversations and memories.

Here are some things you can do to create a more diet friendly atmosphere:

1. Put the food away as soon as you are done eating. If it’s not around you won’t keep taste testing everything. Drink water to curb your appetite or sip some iced tea. Move away from the table and engage in other things like conversations, backyard games etc.

2. Cover what‘s in front of you with a napkin so you stop nibbling or put your desires at the other end of the table.

3. Engage everyone in a game at the table.

4. Choose lite desserts and meals for your parties. Take old favorite recipes and create diet friendly options. Bring diet friendly meals and desserts to pot lucks.

5. Write it down or put in your head exactly what you will reach for at the party, or sporting event before you arrive. Knowing what you’ll eat and sticking with your plan will help. Allow for your favorites in smaller doses.

6. Eat according to your plan all day before your event, exercise and eat lighter once you arrive.

7. If it’s family you are entertaining take out old photos to share. Turning your attention to other things helps you forget about food and keeps boredom away.

8. Start a game of volleyball.

9. Play with the kids at your party.

10. Plan, organize and enjoy your day. If you do these three things you’ll be a success!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Stay On Track - Listen To Music

My son is in a band. The joy it brings him is apparent as I watch him prepare song lyrics, strum on his guitar or just lose himself in the creative process. Music has always been a part of my family dynamic. My grandfather played the organ and accordion as well as my aunt and father. I took flute lessons and played the organ. My daughter traveled and competed in singing competitions. My omi and opa loved classical music and at family dinners it played in the background. Our goals for playing our music, learning it or competing were because of the wonderful things it gave back to us. We learned to appreciate all music.

Throughout my weight loss journey my love for music has grown. Music has a therapeutic quality to it and allows me to feel less stressed and able to accept the challenges that losing or maintaining weight brings with it.

When I first started my program I had a cumbersome CD player and headset that I carried with me on my walks. My husband saw what a struggle it was for me to do both things at once. On a trip to our local Costco he purchased a small MP3 player. I attached my new toy to my side while I walked. I was in heaven.

When I didn’t walk it was a relief to close my eyes and listen to more soothing songs and meditate a little in my own little world, just for a moment. Doing my housework seems less like a chore when I have my music playing. The music I listen to motivates me and changes my entire state of mind. Studies have shown that listening to just 10 minutes of Classical Music can increase intelligence.

Here are some other benefits to consider:

1. Music stimulates your brain so you’re more alert.

2. Music lowers stress levels.

3. One half hour of music lowers blood pressure.

4. Music stimulates creativity.

5. Music is great for workouts perhaps making you work faster and harder without even realizing it.

6. Music can boost immunity.

7. Soft music helps you sleep better.

With all the wonderful things that music can do for your health it’s a wonder that some of us forget to incorporate it into our daily routine. Listen to music in the morning so you’re ready to face the day or sooth your soul at night so you can forget your troubles, relax and sleep well before you start a new one.

The healing power of music will help you reach your potential. A relaxed body and mind is just as important as dropping the pounds or staying fit for life.

Here are some of my favorite walking tunes I have on my IPod. What are some of your favorites?

1. I Gotta Feeling – Black Eyed Peas

2. Home – Chris Daughtery

3. Fallin’ For You – Colbie Caillat

4. Feedback – Janet Jackson

5. Poker Face – Lady Gaga

6. Her Diamonds – Rob Thomas

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Question Of The Week- Food Deserts?


Recently I read an article about food deserts.  Not desserts, deserts.  Food deserts are large geographic areas where mainstream grocery stores are scarce or missing. They are found predominantly in low-income areas, although not everyone living in a food desert is poor. They can be in urban, suburban or rural communities. 

Because of these deserts nutritious foods are not as accessible. People skip meals and have unbalanced diets. These deserts are becoming more and more common especially in the South, where residents might have to drive 30 miles or more to a local grocery store.  Some of these are starting to crop up in your area. 

What do you think of these?  Should we allow this to happen?  Do you live in an area with a food desert? How will this effect public health?   

I know in my hometown every corner has some fast food related establishment but grocery stores are not far away.  However, people's work schedules and hurried lives seem to grant us the right to just hop in our car and purchase fast food rather than peruse the aisles of a grocery store. It's not uncommon to see strip malls filled with fast food options rather than a clothing or shoe store. Our brains seem to be programmed that the ease of a drive-thru will add less stress to our lives.   

I have also heard that because of the rising cost of groceries compared to the cost of a dollar menu item at a local fast food chain people are taking the latter into consideration.

Whenever I head to a fast food chain for sustenance it is a long drawn out thought process as to what I will choose.  Not knowing what is inside my food is a scary thought.  When I cook at home with fresh ingredients I feel safer and less likely to stray from what my purpose for eating is, to fuel my body.

It frightens me to think that in the next couple of decades we may not see as many grocery stores.  It also angers me to think that these deserts are going up in low income areas. What can we do to change this?  

For now, I still have a choice but knowing that so many others don't is upsetting. Knowing that we're being set up to harm our bodies and add to our obesity rate makes me wonder whose side these deserts are on? Perhaps if the healthy choices outweighed the non-nutritious choices?  Maybe if there was more nutritional data  handed out when we entered these establishments? We still have a long road to go. Becoming conscious of it is a step in the right direction. 

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Healthy Life The European Way

When I was in my 20s I was fortunate enough to travel to Europe with a friend of mine. For a girl living in Michigan all her life this was a huge step out of my comfort zone. I knew if I went away and traveled overseas I would come back an entirely different person. A whole new perspective about how other people lived was eye opening.

The things that left an indelible mark were some of things I try to incorporate into my lifestyle changes now. By striving to add these things into my everyday life I hope I’m that much closer to taking life a little less seriously, slowing down and enjoying what I have.

Here are 8 European Tricks and Lifestyle Changes you can make today:

Smaller portions

Meals are not delivered in troughs like they are here in America. Well, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration but it feels like it anyway. Breakfast was sometimes an assortment of breads and cheeses and fruit, sometimes oatmeal, hard boiled eggs and juice. Lunches consisted of small sandwiches and fruit while dinner was fish, salads and soups. Meals lasted at least a couple of hours and people ate small amounts.

Walking and biking everywhere

I had never walked so much in my entire life. If you wanted food you walked to a local market. You went site seeing you walked or biked to your destination. The exercise and fresh air were exhilarating and wonderful. The exercise was beneficial to my heart.

Afternoon coffee chats and relaxation

Afternoons were hard to adjust too. Everything seemed to shut down from boutiques to restaurants. Our fast pace and filling every second of the day with something was almost non-existent in Europe. Watching the Europeans conversing and having coffee or tea in the middle of the afternoon was refreshing. The atmosphere was one of relaxation and very little stress. A time to regroup, just be and live in the moment was a lesson to be learned.

Tea time

In England they loved their tea. So many teas are healthy for you. A cup of green or black tea is a family staple in our house. Tea has numerous health benefits, particularly for cardiovascular health. But, a recent study from the Tea Advisory Council found that drinking at least three cups of tea a day can lower the risk of heart attack by up to 70 percent. Other studies have shown that drinking tea can help reduce the incidence of stroke, cancer, and promote blood flow around the brain.

Family and friendships very important

Making time to chat with family and friends was evident everywhere you went. Extending a helping hand and generous hospitality without even thinking twice was everywhere. Light conversation as well as intellectual talks broadened your mind and fed your soul. Moral support and a strong support network of friends have been shown to lower blood pressure, slow the heart rate, and lower stress levels. Friends help us relax, take a deep breath and remember what is most important. All of these things add to less illness.

Fresh not prepackaged

Walking the streets of Paris in the morning offered a plethora of fresh foods like cheese, breads and wine. People shopped for each meal taking home foods from local farms and wineries. The frenzied pace of walking a grocery store aisle was something I didn’t miss. To wake up in the morning to the beautiful colors of the fruits and vegetables and the smells of fresh baked bread is something I wish we could experience more often in our own home. I think that’s why I love walking my local fruit market and I search out Farmer’s Markets whenever I can.

Europeans love yogurt

So do I! Greek Strained yogurt is my favorite and low in sugar. Yogurt contains healthy probiotics that aid in digestion, boost your immune system, and stave off infection. And, because it’s loaded with protein and vitamins, it’s nutritious and keeps you feeling fuller longer.

No television at dinner

Meals were meant for conversation and camaraderie. Listening and taking time for a very long meal rather hearing the noise from a television was completely non-existent. This is a tough one. Although I rarely have the television on, getting my family to make it to the table is another job in itself. When we do get together it is my favorite time.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Healthy Exercise: 5 Ways to Get Started Today

I’m a firm believer that exercise should be incorporated into your healthy regime. When I was at my heaviest (207 lbs.), I hated exercise. Any way I could excuse myself from sweating I found it. Once I made a conscious effort to lose the pounds I knew it had to include both dieting and exercise.

For many people dieting and exercise together when you’re overweight seems like a daunting task. The word “diet” alone is scary enough but pushing you to get up at the crack of dawn or to come home after a long day at work to exert yourself, seems like too much pressure. Taking a walk when you’re heavy or joining a gym seems embarrassing.

How you look at exercise has a lot to do with whether or not you’ll allow yourself to take that path. If you look at exercise from a healthy perspective both mind and body you may be able to release yourself from the negativity the word conjures up.

Here are 5 healthy ways to look at exercise:

1. Exercise at your own pace. Competition is not the key. Easing your way into exercise is important for it to become long-term. In the beginning I only strength trained with my friend Jorge’s “3-Hour Diet” book. It took me 8 minutes. I slowly incorporated other exercises as my weight started coming off. Slowly incorporating exercise into my day made the whole idea less stressful and more doable.

2. Exercise with a friend. When I first decided to add physical fitness to my daily routine I had a friend who knew my plight. Her kind gesture to call and start walking with me was greatly appreciated. During the summer months we walked and talked at least 2 or 3 times a week. In the winter we found a local mall in our area that opened early for walkers. Walking became my favorite form of exercise. I love nature and being outdoors. My vacations revolve around walking and staying fit. I can take my tennis shoes anywhere and I’ve taken in some beautiful scenery wherever I go.

3. Exercise for fun. Finding an exercise that fits who you are is important. If you don’t like aerobic exercise then don’t do it. I love Bike riding and aerobics. I love walking and Zumba classes. You may find hiking and rollerblading or running and strength training are your forte. Whatever it takes do it to make it last. Exercise should be fun and exciting. Doing many different forms of exercise will keep you interested.

4. Exercise with a Plan. Make it fun and print out a calendar from your computer or buy one at an office supply store. Dedicate each day to something physical. Penciling in a routine will keep you on track. We all pencil in doctor’s appointments and family agendas, make your life a priority too.

5. Compliment Yourself. This is the most important thing. Don’t wait for others to notice a change. If you go that extra mile on your walk or if you finally figured out what time of day works best praise your efforts. The littlest things matter. Your opinion is what counts most of all.

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Peaceful Pursuits and Pleasure

Mornings are always hectic for me, I try and pack everything in, exercise, grocery shopping, and laundry, anything I can do for myself or my home before the phone rings or family commitments get in the way. Right now it’s been about finding a job and a purpose and suffice it to say all of it can be quite taxing on the body and brain.

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day and if there’s any advice I can give it’s to slow down and find peaceful pursuits and pleasures to regenerate and renew. It's the slowing down that will get you to your goals in weight loss and maintenance.

As I got up this morning my first bit of pleasure came unexpectedly on the way back from picking up my favorite cup o' joe. Just as I was driving to cross off another item on my list of “To Dos” for the day a mother duck, her babies and a father duck were crossing right in front of me. Slowly and methodically the parents ushered their sweet furry babies across a very busy highway forcing me to stop and watch. The family of ducks forced me to slow down from my busy day. In many ways it was a relief and a peaceful pleasure.

Peaceful pursuits and pleasures can bring us joy and happiness. Injecting these pleasures into our day can definitely heal our hearts and and give us peace of mind.

Taking this action to pursue peace and pleasure helps with weight loss. I know that when I’m at my happiest or when I have slowed down it's much easier to try and maintain or lose a couple of pounds.

It’s been said that people tend to burn more calories and reach their goals when they’re happy. The negatives out of my life I found I could concentrate on what was important to me and for my health. It’s not always easy but I'm learning to be conscious of it.

What are some Peaceful Pursuits and Pleasures that you can incorporate into your day?

These are some things that I’ve practiced over the years:

1. An early morning talk with my 20 year old son.

2. Having my daughter spend an afternoon with me at a movie in the middle of the day.

3. Feeling a soft warm breeze while sitting outside on my patio.

4. An afternoon walk and feeling the sun on my skin.

5. Sitting next to a beautiful lake watching a sailboat go by in Michigan.

6. Listening to a favorite song.

7. Reminiscing over old photos.

8. Working with a purpose. There’s nothing like knowing you’ve made someone else happy.

9. Cooking a healthy comforting meal that my family loves.

10. Flying a kite.

11. Immersing myself in a favorite hobby.

12. Meditating and listening to my own breath.

13. A long nap.

14. A picnic with my husband.

15. Hearing leaves crunching beneath my feet in the fall.

16. Building a fire, staring at the flames and feeling the warmth.

17. Journaling

18. A candlelit dinner for two.

19. A good book and a cup of tea.

20. A bike ride on a tree covered trail.

There are so many peaceful pursuits and pleasures if we’d only take time out to revel in them. This Mother’s Day give yourself the gift of happiness and find something that will give you your peace.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mother's Day The Healthy Way

I’m different when it comes to gifts. I admit I like gadgets over Godiva (sorry). If you buy me software or books I know will challenge my thinking or motivate me to do something positive with my life I’m forever grateful. My husband gets the hint when I leave magazine ads lying around or e-mail him ideas from Amazon. He is the best gift giver.

This Mother’s Day why not spice it up a bit. Help mom stay healthy and fit. Give the gift of longevity. Let her know how much having her around really means.

Here are 10 unexpected Mother’s Day Gift ideas:


Design your own custom energy bar perfectly tailored to your personal taste and nutritional needs.

The build-a-bar page allows you to design anything from high-protein low carb energy bars to gluten free protein bars.

Each customized nutrition bar is handmade and guaranteed delicious.

From: Obentec Laptop Lunches

Tell Mom it’s healthier to take her lunch whether she works or is always on the go. It’s so much fun buying a lunchbox from an aesthetic point of view and not just for its practical use. Some of them are as pretty as the purses we love to buy. All the more reason to get one of these cute lunch bags.

This system includes:

• A black flower-printed canvas insulating carrying case

• A reusable water bottle

• A Laptop Lunch Bento 2.0 (black outer and pink inner containers)

• A set of stylish utensils

• The Laptop Lunch User’s Guide Book

Dimensions: Carrying case – H 7.5” x W 11.5” x D 2.5”

This product is free of phthlates, bisphenol A (BPA), PVC, and lead! The carrying case is made out of 100% recycled polypropylene fabric and wipes clean with a damp cloth.



This may seem over the top but if you’re a cyclist or even a novice cyclist this looks like so much fun. Right now I have a very simple battery operated speedometer on my bike and I use it all the time. Even my husband would approve of this gadget.

With the Garmin Edge 605 you can take your fitness cycling to the next level with this GPS navigator, cycling computer and personal trainer. For competitive road racers or mountain bikers, the Edge 605 will help you achieve your personal best. The unit comes loaded with a built-in base map and a microSD card slot that lets you add maps along with storing workouts, courses and saved rides.

The easy-to-use unit attaches to your bike's handlebars or stem to show you where you're going, how far, fast and long you're pedaling, how many calories you're burning. The barometric altimeter provides precise elevation and vertical profile data. The waterproof, self-calibrating unit is small, lightweight and easy to install. The 176 x 220 pixel color LCD display with back lighting shows a map view for GPS navigation or up to eight performance data fields for full and continuous training feedback.

Store up to 100 locations that you can navigate to; the high-sensitivity GPS receiver knows your position even in tree covers and canyons. You can also set it to trigger a lap every time you pass a specified location or travel a preset distance, and it records up to 1,000 laps. Training Center software helps you create workouts, record and download courses, overlay your data onto a course map and race against a virtual competitor or your own time on the course. Download your data to your PC to chart and analyze your performance.

Whew! I'm sold.


I'm a magazine junkie! If you buy me a subscription to one of my favorite health magazines I'm a happy mom. Magazines like  Prevention, Health, Fitness etc. are some that come to mind. There are also Healthy food magazines like Cooking Light and Vegetarian Times for great recipes.


EcoExpress creates natural and organic gifts that are unique, memorable and high quality.

You can send beautiful gifts and support the environment with a wide assortment of earth friendly gourmet, fruit, spa and rainforest green gifts and baskets.


Set up an afternoon where you and your mom can learn some healthy cooking. If you’re on a tight budget create your own cooking class at your home or on the more expensive side seek out classes in your area. Make sure the cooking is about healthy foods to incorporate into her diet.


This is a great project for the entire family. You can buy boxes at the local craft store and decorate with Stamps, stickers or decoupage with favorite photos etc. Look through your repertoire of healthy recipes type them up and print them on your computer or hand write them on cute recipe cards you can find at the dollar store.


Your local grocery store, Trader Joes, or Whole Foods has an assortment of healthy teas and dark chocolate bars you can put in a cute basket you buy at your local craft or dollar store.


Treat mom to an exercise session. How about a ZUMBA Class! Or maybe she might like yoga or jazzercise. There are tons of classes available in your city. Check online for times and prices.

Whatever you decide, this year treat mom to something that will give her stress relief and add energy to her week. She’ll definitely thank you.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

7 Things You Don’t Want to Say When Dieting or Maintaining Your Weight

Looking back at my dieting mentality I can remember things I repeatedly said to myself that defied logic. I said them hoping to create a comfort mechanism when really what I was doing was sabotaging my efforts. Over the years I still find myself tempted to recreate these patterns. They are always there with me. Underneath the new me I still remain, ever so slightly, that overweight girl. It takes practice to talk you out of things.

Here are some of the things I would say:

It’s the weekend I deserve to splurge.

Yes, you do! However my definition of splurging is not necessarily on food. I love pampering myself at the salon or buying a piece of inexpensive jewelry, having a coffee with a friend. Splurging can mean eating one piece of pizza you haven’t had all week long or having a glass of wine and playing it cool the rest of the night with a diet pop. Little splurges are fine. Big splurges, unless you’re prepared to take the good with the bad can be difficult. I know now if I splurge I have no problem getting back on track.

I ate the cake so I might as well forget about my diet this week.

I told myself this numerous times. Yes, you can have your cake but don’t chalk your mistakes up as failure and give in. Pick yourself back up and carry on. We all do it. One day, one meal or one snack mistake is just that, one minor mistake. Ruining your efforts for the entire week will make you feel worse.

It’s too early or too late in the day to exercise and I’m tired.

I used to wake up late in the morning. By the time the evening rolled around I was making excuses not to exercise. A friend suggested I get up early before my family was up and get my exercise in. Me? Get up early in the morning? This was absurd!

I now have my workout clothes and tennis shoes beside my bed. I slip into my gear and head to my basement for my workout. Any other things I do during the day like walking, biking etc. are bonuses for me and my health. Plus, once I get started with my routine I’m not so tired after all. In fact the exercise gives me energy and makes me sleep better. Keep working at this. Find what fits your schedule. You won’t regret it.

Life is too short I’ll try again some other time.

Life is short but think about how much shorter it will be if I don’t take care of my health. I want to be around for my daughter’s graduation or my son’s wedding. I want to remain energetic and enjoying life for a long time. Sure, you can start tomorrow but today sounds even better when I know what I’ll have to look forward to.

Now that I’ve lost the weight I can start eating again.

I’ve been on countless diet plans and my biggest pitfall was when I told myself it was fine to go back to the way things were. I never completely made what I was doing a life-long habit. Now I tell myself that I can eat, only this time it’s healthier versions of what I love. I can enjoy everything in moderation.

My family is overweight so I’m destined to remain overweight.

I remember telling my husband this when I was on vacation with him. After attempting to lose weight for years I was exasperated at the thought of trying one more time. I had a mother, grandmothers and relatives that were always overweight. I felt that was my destiny. Of course, now I realize I won’t be model thin (I’ve never wanted to be) but I can feel healthy and energized and fit in my own way. I know that everyone has health issues that may affect their weight but this was not my case and neither was my weight being hereditary. It was just one more mountain I had to climb. One more thing I needed to do to change my destiny.

If I eat this when no one else is around it won’t matter.

This was something I did regularly at my highest weight. The kids went to bed, the husband tucked in and it was me and my best friends chocolate chip cookies and late night movie. Sitting in front of the television I remained in my own little world for a couple of hours and no one would notice. I called it “ME TIME”. I wish now I had just turned the kitchen light off and went to bed like everyone else. It does matter and people do notice. They notice how heavy you are so the secret is out whether you want to believe it or not. I didn’t get that way just watching TV. I also know that it does matter, to me.

What are some things you say to yourself that keep you from maintaining or losing?
What words are you using to keep you from reaching your goals?
Say them but think outside the box and use them to your advantage instead.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Banana Milkshake Recipe

Submitted by frogstone and Calorie 

Makes 1 serving
Healthy low fat, low cal alternative to fastfood shakes. Tastes ten times better!


1/2 banana, sliced
6 oz skim milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
1/3 cup ice, crushed


1. Chop half a banana into slices, place in plastic baggy and freeze overnight. (Do the same with the other half and save for future shake. Trust me, there will be a future shake.)

2. Gather ingredients.

3. Place half banana (now chopped and frozen) into blender. Add 1/3 cup ice, 6 ounces of skim milk and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract. Blend until smooth.

4. (Optional: Add 1 packet of Splenda for extra sweetness)

5. Pour mix into tall glass. Sprinkle about 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon on shake.

6. Drink it. It's healthy and tasty

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 314.6g

Amount Per Serving

Calories 128
Calories from Fat  4

% Daily Value*

Total Fat 

Saturated Fat

Trans Fat



Total Carbohydrates

Dietary Fiber



Vitamin A 8% • Vitamin C 9%

Calcium 19% • Iron 10%

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet

Nutritional details are an estimate and should only be used as a guide for approximation.

If anyone took my poll last week the answer is: 

Running 8 minute miles burns 893 calories per hour.
 If running isn't your forte then bicycling at 18 mph burns 850 calories per hour. 
 Thanks for taking the poll.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

How Will You Get Fit Today?

Today is World Fitness Day. Who would have thought that 70-year-old Jane Fonda would be back promoting fitness. I started out with Jane's step aerobics tapes back in the70's and 80's and I still have them sitting on my shelf along with her step.  Today, along with a miriad of celebrities and fitness experts Jane will be asking everyone to "get fit" at Atlanta’s Georgia Dome.

Fonda decided to host the event to promote “the fun and value of exercise,” Fonda told PEOPLE. “It can be a determining factor in the quality of your life and it’s never too late to start.” Fonda has had numerous surgeries including one to correct her hip.  Exercising has helped her recover and stay in shape. According to Fonda it's never to late to get started with an exercise regime.
More than 3,000 participants will have the opportunity to sign-up for work-out sessions that range from aerobics with Richard Simmons to tae-bo with Billy Blanks. The event will also be available live online via

How will you get fit today?

Take my poll and let me know which exercise you think burns the most calories per hour.