Sunday, March 14, 2010

Keeping It Off -- Healthy Eating And The Movies

Yesterday I surprised my husband with an evening out at the movies.  Planning for this is essential.  Anyone who has been on a diet or who is watching their weight knows full well that the movie theatre is a dieter's trap and delight at the same time.  From the moment you enter the theatre the smells are apparently there to lure you to the concession stand. 

The first aromas of popcorn and butter, the wafts of those boxes of chocolate Milk Duds or M&Ms sitting next to you once you are seated are hard to resist.  Being prepared for this is key to your success.  Here are some things to consider on your next trip to the movie theatre:


A large tub of popcorn can contain 1200 calories.  If you are on a calorie counting diet and you can have 1450-1600 calories a day this is an enormous non-nutritional day and a huge chunk out of your plan.  The sodium content is even high coming in at 1000 grams!  Salt was something that caused bloating for me. 

Popcorn Healthified!

The best way to eat popcorn is to pop your own at home.  I pop a 100 calorie bag of microwave popcorn, spray it with a fat free butter spray and pour about a 1/2 teaspoon of my favorite seasoning on top of that.  You can find popcorn seasoning where the popcorn aisle is in your grocery store.  I've also used parmesan cheese as well and you can use Mrs. Dash or cinnamon.  I shake up the popcorn and seasonings in a container and put my version of movie theatre popcorn in a large purse to take with me.


Sometimes a bit of chocolate will do the trick if I'm not in the mood for the popcorn.  The concession stand versions of candy are in unhealthy portion sizes.  Check the side of the box and you will see that serving sizes and calories can sometimes add up to 600 calories for one box!

Candy Healthified!

For me, favorites are Doves Sugar Free dark chocolates five of these are 190 calories and decadent enough to give me my chocolate fix.  I also love bringing Tootsie Pops, two of these are about 120 calories and take awhile to consume and the tootsie roll center is a great chocolatey fix.  A small box of Cracker Jacks is fun or a fun size version of Peanut M&Ms can be just as satisfying.  A small bag of baked chips works for those of you that need a little salty food fix. I have recently started eating chocolate made of 85% cocoa and the strong taste of this chocolate helps me indulge slower, savor every bite and is low in calories and full of antioxidants.


Regular sodas contain the most calories and sugar.  A diet soda at the concession stand is o.k.

Drinks Healthified

Bring that big purse and you can add a much more sensible drink like water, your own diet soda or how about a cold iced tea in a reusable water bottle.  If you have to go to the concession stand they also have bottled water now but a bit on the pricey side of course.  Stick with lo-cal drinks.

Your best bet overall, if you can do it is to hit an earlier movie, snack before you go on something that contains good protein and fibre and bring your water and chew some gum until the movie is over.  By the time you're finished it just might be lunch time or dinner time and well, that's a whole other story.

Of course there will be times when you want to indulge on those concession stand goodies.  Just watch portions or perhaps share and don't beat yourself up.  You can always walk it off and get back on track at your very next meal.

For now, baby steps.  Enjoy yourself at the movies. You can do this and keep it off. 

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