Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fill Your Heart Before You Fill Your Plate

Confidence doesn't have to radiate after weight loss.  In fact the confidence you give yourself now will be the energy that guides you to your destination.  Changing your lifestyle in all its aspects is what will bring you to your goal or help you maintain what you have worked so hard to achieve.

If you start by filling your heart you will find you're less likely looking for things to fill your plate, literally.  I have found when I donate time in my community my heart feels ten times better than after I've had an hour long workout or I have eaten that last piece of cake.   Being healthier is just an added bonus because now I can go the distance and not feel so tired when the day is done. 

 It saddens me a little when I think that people believe that when they lose their weight confidence will come back and allow them more opportunities.  I had to face the fact that no matter how much I lost, I was still the same person inside.  Don't wait for weight loss to make life happen. Happiness isn't a number.

Some time ago I chose to help in some capacity.  Finding balance in all of this is crucial.  Of course when you're busy and have a family that keeps you running it can get tough to offer more of yourself to the world.  However, don't think that you have to donate too much of your time.  Pick simple things that will fill your heart.
 For instance:

1.  Donate some time to your child's school.  It doesn't have to be every week.

2.  I am a person who likes to help clean the roads in our area, help with fundraisers, and deliver meals on wheels. I have more time since my children are in college. 

3.  Pay for the next person in line at your coffee shop.  Remember "Pay It Forward"?

4.  Call a friend to see how they are doing.

5.  Send a card to someone in the military.

6.  Do you have a favorite hobby?   Make something and take it to a local hospital to pass out during Mother's Day, Father's Day etc.

7. Love to Bake?  Bake something wonderful (and healthy) and deliver to a neighbor that works really hard, just because.

8.  Let the people in your community know how important they are to you.  Send a note of thanks.

9. Cuddle with your pets, compliment people.

10.  Make more time for your kids or your husband/wife.

Let others inspire the confidence in you.  Sometimes we need a little boost to our moral and the right people to motivate us to get up and out of our routine and doldrums.

 My friend Laurie is an inspiration.  I have many friends that inspire me but Laurie is proactive.  She gets everyone doing.  Her love of life brings joy to me whenever she's around. Her group,  "The Stargazers" gave my teenage daughter and me an outlet where we could share our love for volunteering and being together at the same time.

Mitch Albom, I'm a big fan and recently had the privilege of meeting him at a book signing.  His book "Have A Little Faith" raised money for a local church and their roof.  People who use their talents to help others will motivate me.

You get the idea.  Do something anonymous, do something that makes you feel confident inside. Help others, and do something other than worry about numbers on a scale or how much exercise you did today. You'll find if you let yourself go a little and you stay true to yourself the rest will follow.
You'll be healthy inside and out.

Looking for more ideas?  Here is a great website that I love to go to when I need inspiration.

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