Friday, April 23, 2010

Part 3: Healthy Earth Day -- Green With Veggie

We may not be envious of our green friends but if you feed your body green vegetables it will give back ten-fold. I always incorporate delicious recipes into my diet that include avocadoes, asparagus, cucumbers, spinach and more. Don’t let the green color fool you. It may not be the most colorful of produce but it packs a punch in nutrients and healthy vitamins to get you through the day. This color group includes some of the most nutrient dense and the highest antioxidant content among produce.

Here are 5 Favorites to get you started:


A leafless member of the lily family this vegetable is an excellent source of vitamins K, C and A. The juice is effective for cleaning muscle tissues and produces anti-inflammatory effects that are beneficial in arthritis and rheumatism. Asparagus is also a helpful veggie for diabetic patients and helps control blood sugar levels.


Avocadoes are one of the most nutritious fruits. It’s famous for cholesterol lowering benefits, omega nine, twice the potassium of the banana, dietary fiber, vitamins E, K and B6 as well as 25 essential vitamins and minerals.


A great source of vitamin C the cucumber is packed with molebdenum a mineral that reduces the symptoms of allergy and helps prevent anemia by enabling the body to use iron. The cucumber contains A, D, and E and as a watermelon relative contains vitamin K for bone formation.


This veggie contains the highest antioxidant level per serving among fruits and vegetables. This means that it’s the top fighter in the combat against free radicals that are responsible for medical conditions including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, mental capacity and aging. Kale also contains vitamin A that promotes lung health and those who eat vitamin A rich foods have been less likely to develop skin cancer. This veggie also has Folate and decreases the risk for Alzheimer’s, depression and other forms of mental fatigue.


This fruit contains good sources of vitamin C, copper, magnesium, vitamin E and manganese.

By going green with your veggies you are not only celebrating Earth Day you are celebrating your health. Take this one step further and go organic where produce like this is grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation. I know I incorporate organic whenever I can. It is a process.

Enjoy Meatless Meals and you’ll be contributing to our Earth as well. Grow your own garden or shop at local farmers markets in your area. Local Harvest is a great site that will help you find these markets in your community.

Buy products that help you store your veggies and save the environment. A great resource is Washable Produce Bags.

Having a party this year? Hand out matchstick gardens as party favors to get everyone to participate. Wedding Things sells cute little matchbooks that contain sticks you take home and throw in the soil. Soon you’ll have your own garden patch of herbs and vegetables.

Whatever you do, go green with veggies and you’ll be making a small but healthy difference to your body and our planet.

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