Monday, May 24, 2010

Summer Lovin'! Have Yourself A Blast!

The first day of summer is almost here. Warmer weather has already touched down in Michigan. I tend to soak up every last morsel of our summer since winters seem to never end. The new sun and the intense heat bring backyard barbecues, ice cream socials and endless gatherings with food, food and more food.

How do you stay on track? I remember summers as a kid and unlike children today that tend to stay indoors with video games and air conditioning my days were filled with swimming, kickball, baseball and bike rides.

Food was Kentucky Fried Chicken, Coke and ice cream from the Good Humor truck. Late night snacks consisted of frozen pizzas, chips and dip and mom’s homemade chocolate chip cookies. When I think back to those days I know that dieting wasn’t even in my vocabulary let alone a worry.

How do we get ourselves to enjoy these days without overindulging? Over the past 7 years I have learned to enjoy what each moment is meant to be enjoyed for. Backyard barbecues can be about foods in moderation, but backyard games are still in! I get a game of bocce ball going or on picnics a game of baseball or throwing a Frisbee around is still in. Walks and talks are wonderful at the park and enjoying a small cone or small single scoop of ice cream is ideal. A day at a baseball game can include a hot dog but skip the chips and having a diet soda is o.k.

Never give up on your exercise during these days. I tend to think like a kid again, biking, walking, and playing a game of basketball or catch at a park. Getting outside feels so wonderful!

Enjoying a night out and having one drink is admirable, but 5 or 6? If you’re trying to lose or maintain keeping these things in check is something you always have to strive for. Even appetizers can pack a punch. Too much is never good for the goals you’re trying to reach. As always, everything in moderation is the key.

You can enjoy your summer fun at amusement parks, vacationing, picnics, and dinners with friends, sporting events, backyard barbecues, outdoor concerts etc. Think of the real reasons you are attending these functions, it isn’t all about the food, it’s about companionship, laughter, relaxation, conversations and memories.

Here are some things you can do to create a more diet friendly atmosphere:

1. Put the food away as soon as you are done eating. If it’s not around you won’t keep taste testing everything. Drink water to curb your appetite or sip some iced tea. Move away from the table and engage in other things like conversations, backyard games etc.

2. Cover what‘s in front of you with a napkin so you stop nibbling or put your desires at the other end of the table.

3. Engage everyone in a game at the table.

4. Choose lite desserts and meals for your parties. Take old favorite recipes and create diet friendly options. Bring diet friendly meals and desserts to pot lucks.

5. Write it down or put in your head exactly what you will reach for at the party, or sporting event before you arrive. Knowing what you’ll eat and sticking with your plan will help. Allow for your favorites in smaller doses.

6. Eat according to your plan all day before your event, exercise and eat lighter once you arrive.

7. If it’s family you are entertaining take out old photos to share. Turning your attention to other things helps you forget about food and keeps boredom away.

8. Start a game of volleyball.

9. Play with the kids at your party.

10. Plan, organize and enjoy your day. If you do these three things you’ll be a success!

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